Port of Astoria FarnellPORT 0� ASTQRIA RIVERS �1AV�G,A�ILITY STU��Y � By .3�s E. Farnell., PE�.Do Rese�.rch Ainalyst III DN�ION OF STA'�'E IANl�S Sa.7.�n, O�egc�t� Sept�er, 19�31 I�TRObUCT�GN Under �h� Equal Footing clause o� �he Oregon Admiss�ons Act, �he United • States Gavez�nment tr�n��e�red awnersh�p af the beds af a�l na�igable wa�e�,rays ' to the State of Cregan in 1859. A� �he �ime af this repo�t, the full ex�ent . nf Gregon' � ownership i.s �zzknawr�. 'T��� presen� de^v�Zopme�it ��ends aZcng o�sr � wat�rways make z� apparent tha� the Iocatirsn nf the State/Privat� baunda�ies �� i� nf ex��eme impar�anoe. �he .1973 Legislature recogn.zzec� �.h�.s and p�.sse� f]RS 274oq29�-�34. This 1.aw direct� the Division of Sta�e Lards to make a study of a�i n�e�on�� waterway� and to make public their �indings. ThiS study includ�s the rive�s wh.ich f7.ovr into Youngs Bay Qz the Columi�ia withir. the Por� o�' As�arza` s baundaries, bu� not the Neaaniertym i�..ver which has b�en �.nc�ue�ed in another stvdy. The researcher is inde�t�d ta the 3.ate Russell Dark who sha�ed with �iiM much o� the l�istara.cal znformation on C�.atscsp Cn�xnt� wlza.ch I�� had ccs���ated over � many years. The Asfioria PubI.ic Library's index of local new�p�.pers, 1873-3.90Q, . made .it �ossible �o avoid �he drudger� of_sea.�cha.ng all �ssues o� �he ci�y�� da�Zy newspapers an �h� era o� grea�est laggzng activities, TY�ey a�.sa allowed , m� access tcs the Russe�.� i�ark coll�ction now a.n th�.�r passeswiar�. `�'he fo] lcwing insti�u�zons alsa e�ctended their serv�ices d�r�ng �he course of researc��: Ox�gon Historical Society Sta�e Lib�ary . Cla�so.p Cnunty Caur�house Sta�e Archives . CFtEST . � ' � �� �r� , :. � �. ��,.�: ; t Z� , G�"'- t � .r Q , . :� ,� , � . � / " � C a� � M1 �A � � � � � G n w p��� �� m ��< � , `r L ' , � ^1 Cn'\ C � 1 �d � � � � . r a � 4 �, n y' m � n 5`� `� �' Hy�'� � ��°� � A \ � Q � o� � � � Q � � � � � . .��° � u '� � �* � �e x° o y � � ' m � � � t � ° pC, } ,�O x r• �� ns .� � N � \� � �� " p '"'�'� � ,a �� • � { O �� � ;[I � �� o --� �m Z o� � � z� � � � ° �� � � o ���� rn � � . �� .�. , z � � -� ° � � � �_ �, � � . � �� - �� in ,...� w (,/� � c�.a�s4� co. �CO�.�M81A C0. , _ ��-�.�.-� i f � ' � � � ' �I*, �' �� � � :'` :. ' �� � r ��� � '' I I�I n r ; � w ,'i5 "� € I�i�� I�I�i f� � �I�I�I�i l ; � � i s i ��i�� ��i�i�r�i � .�k'� � I�I�E I�i [�E�I�1�3 ,�� : 'y 1{ ''���; � E I� �I�I i�� � � , � � h crd sl f �1� •:; s ,: , R< I � t � i F i � ! I ' -� �+� 4 �►�} � ..>�<:: :,.,,; .: ;•.. � ^ . . .. .{.y ^'. C1 I I I � '�:ss.�'� Fgt33;v%�:e.i�;rk;`,•:'�:;i. . I "' f i I I ,:J: , <4�. .z.:\�f'`"'r';N,�:�if S � a r� t'4}�i� M+' r> l, 'JS.� � r'�i �; 4 �`�: - .�. �:.. 'J - i � I � �:r: "' <,'��'�:54'%� v� V I � I f'"ty:'i1F�'i�r, Q;' :.> :3:"'':t�i ,''Lpa:£sv;�'' � ,:,iss��:l�'f,?%��v'<'�`i;�?��,,�;i�`r >:l�%; . � I f :..:.....r.?:.i<:>,:.s ...........:.<;..:�......:...�Sii:�...�;.i::.,, i � E '"' .� g �f� ; 4 l 4 `!<'',, 4 � G; � � � �3W I I � ' .x� I 1� ^ I l4 i t ��jl�! I r� � � � � �' w n ?+� o � � � � � •a � c, c� � a � i� / � / :� , Y � >�. • ,. �� : `� � TH� B.ASTN The ra.vexs examin�d in this st�xdy are all faa.rly shor� stream� wI:ich empty inta Ynungs Bay ar the Columbz.a Ri.ve� jus� upstream �rom Astori� (�'ig. 1) . Th� iongest is the LewS.s and Cl�k of 27 mz�,es I�ng�h, equ�l tn that of the Cia�skani� in Col.umbia Coun�y. �iery nf th� streaz�s were ca�.�.ed crc;eks in earlier times and can onlp }ae ca�.,led rivers in �heiz tidal estt�axies where their wic�th and dep�h warraz'at that description. . The slopes �f �he rivers (�'ig. �) va�y considerably fra� the �k�panan whiah is a.�mos� f1.at to Big Creek, w�.�h an av�rage gradien� cs� �.35 feet pe� �i�.e, o� tk�e headwat�rs of ather streaites. All, Iike tY�e Skipar�on, have very �.ow gradYents C1.05� to tidewate�. Rain�all in �he basin is notoa�S.ously plentiful and accu�s in particu�.ar abunc�anc� fram early Nav�:mber thrnugh Ia�e March and is �x'nmediate�.y r�f�ect�d in high stream runoffs during tho�e periods {Fig. 3)a S�reamf�.aw data is not cuxrently �aub�.ished but the fol7.aw�:ng infnrmation f�� the years �.933-�58 �zs avai.3able : Rive� Young� Lewis & C�ark Big Creek Sc�aar� M�.�.es af p�rainage 12 2 52 �9 Average A,nnua�. Yie�d in Flc�e �`e�t 4C3 r 3(70 is�, �roo 127,100 �h� ecnnomy of the area drained by these s�reams is dam�.nated b�� tl�� tir��ber industrp, �ho�:gh there is con5iderab3.e pastttxage and some arable cultivation, esp�eial�y in the tidewater regions.�' � i,sc�+ � _ ta. U � � i LLJ � C9 � Q � ' � � � O � , � � }— � SO � � CA � • a � �ss � a 3 � � V q Z � C) � 3 a � c� m 0 � 2 � � � O � t�1 c� a � � � a t B. 811J �J��� A. YOUNG`S RIVER �PROFII.� FqR I,EWlS AND CLARK �21VER i NEARLY COl�GRUENT, WITF{ APPROX. I/2 T�tE � MONTNi.Y DlSCHAFtGES. ���. �. AVERAGE M4NTH�Y D�SCHARGE, l933 - 1958 �7IV15l�€V 0�' STATE LANDS , SEP�'EMBER 24, 1981 v(i l. IV V V. UC4i. JAiY. tttl. MRK. A Yri. MAT UUiV. J UL. ALFSi. i1 GM. 8 N 0 d'�� ` � � i > D Z _ A o a � * � a�a7 ��� � W � � W � '�' J �� z � � Q� � �� o � '�' 4 � � ...! � }- � Q � Q H � a � t� � O � a � � � �: tL > C) ° 0� �,:;Yi ,,,,.,.,, �,,,,.r i,,.,.,, �...,... �.�.. .___._ ..�.,. +�. ..�..� _ _.. _....r — --- �---- - _.. � . . _ -�..--- -- - _ ------ g g o � e � � N,AVZGATION The 5�a�e of Qregon has �itle tv th� beds c�� �e lawer �.�ng�.izs of the ra.ve.�s and streams in �he basin based on. their �idal charactax, Vesse� navigataorz occuxred ia� the gast anc� occurs now in these re�ches. One of the earliest accaun�,s of �he naviga�a.ona3. use of a speci�a.c �each nf one of the rzvars is �o be faund in the 3u�.�r 1Z, ].873 Oregonian whe�ein w. H. Srni.th decrzed a snisrepresentation of ths c�a.�ficul,�ies of usirzg tl�e Lewi.s and Clark. He argued �Ytat i�s capaaity for navigatifln was demonstrate8 traenty yea�s earl.ier when a large saw�i.1,1 existed a� F°ort C�.atsop �a which laacge seagoing vessels ascended doc3red, and took cargoes of �umber fram the sawma.lI. to San E"ra�cisca. 'i'lzis vras th� Harald oz� Eia�ral3. L�mber Crs . which 5o3.omon Smith �aurchased a.raci zan in �85� .� A Iacal Rive� Naniga�ion Committee repar�ed in �'ebruar�' 1890 �hat naviga�inn on tiie tidal portions of the ,7ohn Day and wal.luski were gand at that ta.me. On t3Y� Lewis and Ciark, however, Capt. C. w. Rich, who had carried maiZ and freight �n Stavebo3.t �nding fRl� 8) during �e pas� eigh� yeazs, compl�ined oF som� snags �h.at needed remtival in tYre river`s tidal portians. � At tlle same ta.me J. S. Polheznus of the U. S. Engineers wra�e rha� s�eamboats ran up �.o river Mil.e 7.5 0�' Youngs River, a mi�e abnve the mout,f� a� tY�� Klaskanine. whi�,e bazqes aperat�»c3 fzom �e pu�.p mill loca�ed below X'oungs Ftiver �E'alZs to AsLdria. dn the K3.askanine, steamboats at that da�e went e�p to Kamm's whaxf. � Pilings in the �.ida3. portions n� the rivers (�'igs. 4, 5b) indicate that tugs a.zad lag bocams kav� operated on most of these rivers v�.ztua�.7.� �.o �he head of the tide up �o �Yse pzesent day. The U. S. Corps o� Enqix�eers (I4lay 3.. 19813 recog�i�es �he �a].3.ow�.ng Heads of Navigatio�i on �.izese s�reaa�.s : Wa�erway , 8arzett Slough .� Bear cx�ek � Big Creek Bindez' S�.oug� , . .7e���r�.es Slo�qh Jahn Day K3.a,skanine �w�.s and C1.ark Skipanon � i�alluski � Littis Wa�.luski ' Xoungs Ri.vez Mi�.e o.i Oa7 0.5 0.4 0.1 4.3 I.6 8.0 4a3 3,0 Oo2 9.5 �.'he U. 5. Coast Guard (Jur�e 27, 1980) r�csagnixes Rirrer M�,].e ].0 as �e head a� naviaation on Xoungs River. �,. �. . �� . � � .. .. . �. . � � ��. ,���i. � . � � � . . . � � y= � . . . . � . . . . :w� µ � �� � -:.��:� :; a �.�� � . � . . � �. � � �i� � � � r '� ..' � `�.* . _ . , . � � ..;�' � � � - � - � � �'��r'.+.. . . . . . . . y`�' .� ` � s ^ � � .�w . . '� �� � • --, i . J ip�� �;�)'_ ,�, i, �; .I ' J�� , y v :r rf . �., � `x � �'� .�., e . ;yi.�M�� .�.,'; � t; !a :�p�.' �i: i....t:Y `.ir �."� ' . ����� ,..�,�. s � . . , . � f �d�. .1� � -. �.� . I� �;, F f ��.'. ,. x'- �e 1���� ' � �i; . " ` ��`a' ;;�� \ ' . f j ' � �k� � :�f � F�' �. � ;�•� �a 'r `+:, ,. ,�;�.:•■ r y � { ��. � '�"� 71 • � �� � ny' k ��t �� � �.� 4 ��l r a�! � .��' ��� .. . . 2 . I�i �/ .� Y � = : . s�� r � -::� i ' „ 0 :' �, .. °3 � . " � `���� � 5 � � '. 3 i 1� � � M, � :J�'.�+i � i 1.... o� �' � r �� �� � � �, ;� r ��� � � �,� r� ��. � � � � ..,� � �. .,���F ./ R'z x t •� + ./':., ' . � , 4�.�:"�'���1 �`� .� � ' � � ( r t� t r +,��' :'�{?� E �-e 4' F ��� '4�^ .,✓_' �`�t+'�t, r � �$� • 4 �; �'� y � � � � ;�: ia 4 `' _ � - .� . e . �}�. " � ' �4 . �, e :a c�rl� H ,, ' � .... *,,.�' � g �` �� � n ��-,` � .�c��'.~� 1 .� ' r „ � i �' � M C� � �2("� 'y� '� 't 9 Y *�' �� .��y �� � . � '` '" "�Y` � J .q - t '" �,! � '. y t ��� �..��? ^�.+�/ � k Y ` ' i ' � ✓ � ' "�}r� � �' � :,A'.,'�>' � �',. �' :�� � � � ��+ t c- � � ' � F�. �� i� �C'. � +��� �4��� ,,�.�."' _ � '�..� • ;E � 4� �", t �4 j �' '�.r � � �k` • : r �, r,7,' �S � `, , . '`-��.� f ' ��� 1 � , �� ,~ �. `'`� ���- .� �� _ e � tl l h ��'T' Y ���� ��I.! , " F�P�1'� , �'� ' �`� s p� i � � ,� � �fi s ' � k .� � � � � , � wE?� * ' S �: �.� �' �; +t. 1�� �,+- '���• 1 ' �'�E ��r��' .� ' • ` �,w►' - • a a•Z' } r ' F {{�� ti� f t� � �„ �� rr.: �� . �'i �jj.'.' ! �� 1 ' ' � � , 3:.�f ' - � � �' .. • «s*y,':. � i�. �'I.Ir .y �Y ���1 S�' y. e�.,' r Y tl'.� � s -.r.i � 'ti, . r � A ' � �" '" � � n �.f � yEY . 5 �. .�`�� �• '± ' �' c �a G) q! dJ � " �. i '. t � a��.. . ' r � '�' ; ' �. 11 •�.{ • 43 �,�- � +,�• ' �;;,.. ,qr' �2.�� �� �,-• vf 3 i+'f ..�k '.�" .y �' ' . Q3 Ql Ca U �. '���:. �� .' } � z f��...• � - � �.I C1 O . � � � � �1,�". "^. .�� . r.l '9�r��K ` ✓ .�.�' w"j (� I .�.:�;K;'','It..� ���,r�f�"�,��'�� � � li p {J � I � ` ` � r � • ' � � �"� � . i , I - � w •f"� �F{ �� � �.7 � U kd , � i Fd � Li id . � � a a ,� � , V � � � . . '. ' ' _ � � � � ,} 3 � � rn � , ` ` Cn '� � � �, . .. 1 � �. .....,�.._ .. i t . . . w ...,.. __ sw �7 U C7 7 LOG DRIVES C�.a�sop Caunty has sc�ne of the ear�iest com�ercial sawmills in Oregon }aecause o� its strategic lnratfan wi�Y� reZa�ion to the I�awaiian anc� CaliforxYia gnarlee�sa Henry H. Hunt' � sawmiZl on H�snt Gree}c was com�leted in �.844, but 1.ogs were o��ai.ned w'itl� oxen from the surrounda.ng hi�.lsm The Ha�xa13, ar �a�ald Lumber Compxny near Fox� Clatsogs huilt befoxe 185�, h.�is ea�lier been noted and 5 �sa Si.�pson and George Hu�e each had mi1.3.s in Astariaq I,og f�,o�a��,nn occurred on mos� of the regioa' s waterways a.n �f�eiz tidal porti,on �n�h �o supp�.y 7.oca1 m�.3.ls and �hose further �tp the Colu�bia Fiiver even to Portla.nd. An ea��.y regc�z�t af such usage is �ound in �he 1.880 Census list of J.agging camps in Knappa Pr�:ainc� ox� �he lower Co3.ut�ia: Logging Ga�znps Yoke Mon�hs in &i. Et. Lo�s No. Nten (7xez� C3pera�ian Sen� to biil�. Ma�csh & ael.a�ey W�tr�n ��os. RoiEo sros. Davis & Rcj s s Joseph Carno �nhn Davis Mi�chell & Ric]cu�� uz ICr�app & 5oti�er3.and �.4 15 zz S 9 S 6 12 6 �, 3 � b 5 5 S 5 �.z � a 6 8 2 5 8 �,000,000 2,fl00,000 z,000,000 �., 50�, OC}43 450, Ofl0 350,000 250�U00 200.qOC Place Biind S1ougYz NEar Colttmhia B3.inc� SlaugY� Near Cal�ia Bl.znd Slough Lobz��.x� 51.nugh �`h� same v�ar T. Fi. Foss had a aamp an JaY�a Day, River, � S. P e Marsh had or�e ca�np oa� ��e Wal.luski and �hree on the John I?ay in 188I. Two yeaxs 3.ater I�iacs�� i�ad a sa.miZar dist�ibution of �.ogging camps whi.�e Foss and �. R. Ca1.e eac3� had a catnp �rz the J'ah� A�,y. $ • At th� turn of the century�there was aga�n a f3,u,�ry of loggi.ng on �he 3nhn C�ay azzd Wal�,usk�. Per�.y T�.�ss Zoggefl a�, Rive� Mile 2 0� the �7ahn Day in 1837, 9 5. Adair had a shnw on tha� river' s h�adwa�ers ia Z900 wha.I.e BJ.aisr�e3�1 Bros. logged on tne Walluski. �7ac3c Ryan also had a carnp on �he Wa�.7.usk�,, in tiYa� year wi�h Ri.chardson,and the �o1l.owing year in partnership with Jahn Jahnson. Tn I.901 C. C. Mas�en was afraid he mig�� have to �unne� th.raugh a moutitai.n i.n order �cs ob�ain Lnr�s from th� r�.ver's headwa��rsa 10 �:] `1'wo acaoun�s exis� which describe the logging camps on th� Wa�Iuski. �n 5epte�her 1887, "AH" wrote to the Q�eg� onian a fuil regort an �. C. Txul�3nger`� Zogging oamp on �hat river. Fiv� yoke af axen sna.ked Zogs to rai�road aaxs w3�.i.ch i.n �urn dutnpeci them down, a chute into th.e tidal portion af t�ae river. Two yeaa�s 3.a�er a cnrrespon�,ent o� 1=he Daily A+karning As�orian took the Wena�a up the Wallusk�. �.a the �ogging rai].road ° s�erminus and then rode to the au�t.izag axea wh�.ch by that tfine w�:s �hre� ati.Tes by zai3. �rom the_ s��eaun nn �he ridge se�ara��ng tYxe Waliuski aad. �'ohn Day rivers. In �.900 the T�nbex�man descr�bed a small.er aperation an the Ia�ter rivex.� W�. Ch3shal�t, a� John �ay Ri.ver, with two capstans agera��d by a txiak mu�.e and a spottec� cayusa respectivel.y, and �k�e assistance of four II►en, has pu� a.n over 700,000 fe�� of sgruce 3.qgs �h3.s season and if the weather ke�ps fine will �otuxd ou� a a�illian fae�. If any other hand Iogginq show can sY�aw a b��ter recc�rd l�t �hesn stanc� up and �ae caunted. Use o� �ida�. wa'ters for lag txa�spor� was not withaut its contenta.an. In ��uttex v Galla her (19 OR 375}, Nu���r improved an arm of Vincent Sl.ougt� �o �ak� out 1.ogs. As tkti.s inc�uded deepenin,g and widening' a sho�t gu7.iy s�ream from ( . � which 'the ti�er was taken the Qregon Supr�e Court ruled in 1894 that that porti.an abc�ve Mean H3gh Tide was not a nav�gah3.e waterway. Two decades �ater_ a landnwne� adjacent to '1'ucker Creek, a�.so a tsdal. s3.augh, co�plained when the C�lwel.7.-�`oevl,er Logging Gott►pany d�ave pi�.ings in tlza� wa�.�rway in orde� tq cc�ns�ruc� a�,agqing boom. W�an aomple'�ed �he boom pz�ven�ed the �.andora7raer from using the cr�ek for nav3gatian.�'�` The p�z�,� inte'rest of tPzi.� s�.udy is on thase por�ians o� the �i�rers in the basin whi.ch were �xsed �o� aam�e�ciaZ pesr�oses al�ave �he head a� tide. �'kZe riv�rs that got the g�ea��st use zn these r�aches were X��zsgs and �he Lewzs and C�ark. Amazinq3y enough on Xo�ng� River logs were �ak�n over the 69 faot fa�.ls �F'ig. 5a) during wintex high wa�er: sahn C�zx�w�ood se�.t].ed i�a G1a�sop � 1 f3 Cou�ty in 1884��and purchased a c�airn near Saddle Mountain which he Ingq�d untaZ tI�e 189Qs� ��oating �he iogs down t.ha rzver and aver the �alLs to tidewater. Chitwood was the �izst logger in Ciatsop Gaunty to use a steam donkey which he adapted frvm a�hip's steam winch a�out the year �889.�� Christian Peterson la�er tes�ified that he nad an intexest witiz Chitwaad bring�ng logs down Xoungs River, �ut they did nat get tYfeir logs ont the first year.�� Elmer warnsta�f said that he lagged on Xoungs River for 10 years. He recallect that �he river was a goad 3ngging stream, coul.c3 ri�e as much as �ever� �eet, and once the water came up and brought the Iogs out overnighte The �nost memarable r�rive seems to have Yseer� in �.888:�' That year that �hey put those �.vgs i.n was �he yea� `88, i� was Che s�ammer or fall of '88 �hey put �hem in. � was �.ogging on Young's River; .7ohn H. 5rn�.�h and me weze �ogether on Young's Rivez and we had something like about thre� million feet o� logs laying in 1'o�xng's R�i.ver in ' 88 and wa had ana freshet. It caused� a jamb af logs is� the riv��c and we on3.y got abp�t 4�q. QOf3 out o� tk�,ree z�.i.11ian; i.t was al.mos� ent�,rel.y a fazl�ze �ha� yeaz� af any �zeshets wh.atever . Edna Waz'nstaff addecie My b�n�he� and yvu (John H. Smith? logged over Young`s riv�x fal�, ar�d th�y jammed �right above t �a.i�.s, and they had to pu3.1 tlYe�n out of �3se way next year to buiZd that dam Eor th� pulp company. This canfoz�ms to the report of 3o S. PQlhemus tcs t�h� U. 5. Enc�ineers O�'fice .zn Portlanri on Sep�eraber 1, 1889:�'`� Above the puZp-mi3.1 �he river is but a s�nal�. �saus�tain stre�n, flowing through a thickly w4oded di.strict. without any cnr2sic�e�- able amoun�, of agricultuaral land, anci is usec3 chiefI.y as a laggzng stream. There is a pulp-m'ili lnca�ed a shar� da.stanca below the �a.�ls, ta uti3.ize their wa�er-�ower and �anufacture WQQC3 �pulp from the spruce anc3 hem�ock gxawing along the banks, to be bnated ori scows tts Astor�.a..... �� the tzme o£ my visit i� was no� running, owinq ta the �ack o� water-power on account of the extreme�.y dry surnmer. Tf�ere are over 1,OOQ,000 £eet of saw-logs ir� the river above awai�in a freshe�. (Emphasis added.] II C�nstruction af a dam at the top of the fails in order �o zncrease the powe� ' supplied to the �ill intQr�upt�d the laggznq ope�atzans from the upper river du��: .. �he same year �h� PoZhemus wrote his repart. �ohn Ho Smith, EJ.xner warns�a�f and' �thers b�QUgh� sui� against Ro Ma Brapne ar�d The Falls Pulp Co. �ar abstruc�ing the stream. They s�a�ed t.ha� �he rive� was hzgh enaugh in the winter for ten mi�es above the Eal�s �o �1oat saw��gs,(�ig. 6? and �ha� loggers and se�tlers had so used tkte reach for at Ieast 1fl years. warns�aff and Smith at that time had twn ' � lo�s of logs totalling 3,500,,007 feet which they took out from abauL fn�r miles atzov� �he Ealls. Of �h�se 5Q�,000 �oard fee�: w�r� cax�ied and �hrown bY ��e water passing over said dam� and �, being so carried. .. �e�.l anc� struck endwa.se and a�hez�svise �gains� the said ].edge 4f �acI�s or gz�ojection oE stone an8 the said stone sides or walls and stone hed of said streau� . and were battered, spli�, broken shivereci and otherwise dam-� aged... anc� rer�dered valueless. Furthermore, Smi.th compla,ined in another suit, divErsion of the wa�er by the daas� would �lscs reduce the flow to the goint where logs cauld nat �e dri,ven. In the f3rs�. C�5A the jury found for Warnstaff and awarded him 52.000 c�amages. �n th�r` seconfl, a d�cision was no�. r�ached un�a.l the late 1920's (!) when Hrayne, ].r�ng since c�.ead, was ordered �o stop bui�.di,ng the dam which no longer exis�edi! The dam effective3.y enc��d dxivzng on Xoungs River, whatever its merits as a logging stxeam h.ad beers before �hat sLructuxe was erectedo • Loqgi.ng aa the Lewis and C�ark was more success�ul �han nn Youngs Rzve�, bcat _ jus� �s con�.en�ious. It commenced above �idewa�.e� in .��$4, about tf�e time that Chitwond started on ugper Xaungs River, bu� Ias�.ed un�il a� least L906. Some nf t,iae �irst laggers to work the s�re�n were Ed and P��e �ta.Lone fro�n the 1880's until 1895. Sidney Campbel.l. worked on the river in �887 be�ore any dams w�re cons�ructed ta aid the drives,� '�he Chadwel�. corr�spandent af the� Astorza Transcrip� made reference ir� March �o the I.887 drive (�"igo 7) o Tn Ee�ruar�r 1.89C3, "Loqgexs zn this and neighboring coun�ies rejaieet�] over the moviag by £reshets ' o�' Zogs that hafl lanq Iain above high water mark and that are at last made � �.2 �,�,1 :�'r"" • t.�' r �L •,r'� "'��.� , � F Z. J w a. k e - p � r �me^.1:3 � 1Kc r.�� `...$. ° sv� y ��',-�°' " �"r--� 1 : – :� �= r-o".�� ". :3� •_ . -�. •' Fig. E�ae Yovngs Ri.ve� �ava Fa.11s . R�! 9. 6 e May 14 , 1.981. . Fig. 6b. Hig Czee3c �rom Highway Bridg�, F'tM 2 e 5. r�� �.4, z�s�.. 13 valuah�e by being aflda�." in other part� a� the stata,was th� d�sas�raus �laod of 1890 proved a boon to Clatsop County laggers, and presumably to those opera�ing on the �ewzs and C�ark. These early drives condncted without �he use o� artificial aids were on the reach between River MiZes 8-15e Most of our infn�na�ion an Lewis and Clark �oggzng canc�rns the firm a� Qlsen Bros. who erected a splash da�n in the river`s canyon at River MiZe 17 in .. � . 27 � 26 `• 3894a As the Qas..�y Mp�nzng As�arian reported . . OJ»sen Brns, have a cam� above the canyon on the Lewis & Clark si,x my.les P�am tidewater witi� art immense number of lcsgs in the stre�. �eavy rains of Iast week should bring them out, but ' i� a.s zr� t.k�e na�ure of an experiment. It wi.y3. succ�ed if win�e� rains carzy t31e logse The exgerimea�t was a succ�ss and t�ae next yeaz the �ro�chers built a logginq camp of fiva bua.ldzz�gs oxs the rzver. and 3.ater built �an sma3.Ier l�gc�ing camps ugstre�. They alsa puarchased a splash dam p�t in by Sorrensen as�d Co. wha �.agged ti�e stream 28 � during �.895-97 and zeb�zilt it. � Ber� S. 03.sers later fl�scribefl �h� sca3.e o� the brothers' op�rataon: - As lpng as we were there, w� op�ra�ec3 theze something Iike 5 or 6 years, and we put a.n a.�.� the vray £rom. the lowest we put in was thzee millian, and fram that on ug ten or fifteen mill.ion ��:et whzle we were �here. Of course� we put in the principal pazt of Iogs �hat w�re put in the Lewis and C3.ark. There was ati�ers put in Zags. I shou�d say that while we were Y.here, i� wou3.d ave�age 12 millian a year. t3ne of the other operatcs�s was Geo.�qe Watson who elabora�ed: '�kzere ar� seven separa�e fi,rzns of persons engaged zn �.ogging on sai.d river. That N. W�sner and T as partners estabZish�d a ° logging business nn sa.id �i.v�r last year and �ha� we have from � S2�J40.00 ta S3E}00.00 .izavested in o�r said business and are ' dependent upan the use oE said dams to ge� ou� aur saw-7.ogs...:. I have been an said river a£f and on for �.4 years and have logged on, the same off and on for abaut 3..I years..... � ara . 3.ngging above the garge or canyon .zn said rivere.e.. Tha� , �ae water of said river is suf�iczent to �Eloat saw-lags duzinq the winter and damp seasons o£ the year from a.i1 points i� where �ogs are ]�eing p�ac�d in�n said stxearn dawn t4 the mouth thereaf and �ha� �hroughput said distance said stream is � � f�oati��e fox sa�-logs. That said dartES are not opera�ed exc�p� �n �he win�er and rainy seasons of the year and �ha� the wa�er , fratn sa�d �ams does aot in itself £loat the �ogs down said � rivex as �ar as the places oc�ned �y Pla�n�iffs..... �n rny j�dgmen� abau� two«th�rds of tYs.e avai�ab2e spr�uce �imber txibutory to the Co�u�bi� Ri.ve� �s on said Lewis aad Clarke �, Ri.ver and most af it i,s abqve t�.e can.yon on said r.ivea�4 e... ". That i� said da�s w�re preven�ed from be3.ng operated a.t cou�.d ' �a� be braught to znarket wi.�h �he e�rcep�ion a� ak�c�u� one ' ansll3on fest thereo�'. ' W�.sner Campbell and �;1o�her Olsera, OI.e, confir�med hfs testi�nony. P.�.l em�hasis�c3 � tha� �h� r�,ver was floatable in its naturaZ cond�,�ion belowr �he canyan, but that th� dauts were necessary beca�se of tha� �.mp�di.ment anc3 �ha� eaonama.cally no ].ogging on the rive� could cu�rently be dcne withnut them. The ranchers dotivn,str��m o�aje�ted to the damage done to their property ]�y �.he ].oggers, 31 an�I in 7.899 ane o� them, D. J. IngaZ�s, sued 41ser� Bros. The �.oggers, wha have $7Q, 040 �worth of I,ogs �o ta,ke out, won tha.s case a�ter Judge ' McBr�,de visited the splash dam�; and the t�,5e csf Lewis and Clark as a c3xiving 1 ` � strea� continued. Gearge Maaer Bras. openeo� a cattsp abave ��at nf �he 03.sens � in March �.899. �.'t�,e �reshets i� January 19D0 brough�. 3 r�.3,lian fee� of �.c�s dawn the �s.ver to t.idewa�er and i� was expected that a tata.� a£ 18 mil.lios� �eet caou�.d b� �aken aut in the I899-7.900 seasan. �ly March i9Q0, h.nwever, B m�.Ilion � fae� a� �.ogs remained stranded upr�.v� 33 . �� 19�1 D. K. Warren petitioned �.h.e C�.a�sop Caunfiy Caurt �or a Eranchise �o estab3.ish a dam on �he xiver arzd charge t�ll fcr floated la�s, bu� i� �svas nat granted. That y'ear �'ohn and August La.rson had a caafp on the �,ewi.s & Clar]c; 4 � The�e mu�� have been otheys, b�cause i.n Fe�xuary IO z�,i.].livn feet a�' spruce Iogs . we�e zn the river. 5ir� Campbe�.l operated a cauiP on the rivex in I902 and raftad aII the �.c�gs �aken �rom ��e canyon in t�at year �� Mooer Broso a�one k:ac� ].5 mi2lion fe�:t to come out �hat sea�on �� �n �.903 E F. L�bke, �. B K�.ntzTer, Larsoa & Dow, Larsen & alsen, �nd Dyer & Mcrare alI had camps nn T.�wis & C�.ark � 16 from which they were taking logs at the zate of 8 to 10 mil3zon �dard fe�� annua�ly,3� In i906. how�v�x. Jnhn 2yberg {Tebey, Te3�ke) was said tn be t2�e only logger operatzng on �he river and �907 was very near�y the end of the use a� �hat s�ream for log transport abave �he head of tide. When l�gge�s Crieci �a use �he Nar�h �ork of Klaskanine River for lagging� � tk�ey met with a difEerent ��gal response. Cha.r3.es GilZiam had tried to f�.aat ou� Zags on �a� sCxeam z.n 1888. fie cleared tYie jams of brush and trash i.n �e Nar�k� Fa�k and pu� a.aa 137 logs. One reached �idewatero Most jammed below k�as kzocasa aaad some lay wrher� �ey had be�� cut t�ro �iles a�ove �ic3ewa��r un�il Che win�er nf 13p3-p4t Qne ��asnn they r�nazn�d s��anded i.s �hat a c3ownstream awner, �'ohn Leahy, refused to �et thern break the �a� fornted oa� his grape�ty. When Fred and Alec �3orsnand recommenced logging opera�ions on �he Narth Fork in th� au�ulnn of 19d3, th�refnxe. ��Zep buil�. a sp3.ash dam a�aut 2 1./2 mi.�es above tidewater tp space out their I.oc3s ta prevent a ja.�n and to ass.zst in £Ioating thern nu�, though na�ura� freshe�s carried nut most of t.he 1.ogs that went to tidewater.�� Agair� a Iandawner, .Toseph Kaenm, brought suit agaias� �hem, and �he Oregon Sugr�m� Court f5� OR 9) declared t«'�at �e North Fork of �he Klaskanine was na� a navzgable.water*aay.__._One can only marve3 �ha� lags as large as those shawn in the accampanying p3�otograph taken as evidence in the case i�"igs. 8-12) cou3.d floa� so far on ��s su�face even with arti�icial aid. No�rman Bros. met this adverse judgernent in �ar� hecause the winter of �903-�4 was unusually dry. '£he 5outh Fork o� the IClaskanine was �sed in other years without legal conte�t by several 3oggers. Frecierick Mvaers testified that he took out Logs £rnm the fvo� a€ Gzeen Mountain which is a� ieast five miles above the head af tide on the South Fork nf �he Klaskanine. E.Lm�r Warnsta�'f logged the lower ma.1e of this bxanah wzth four yo3ce of axen zn �.89Z. �n 190� Chri.s Pe�erson and ,Ine 17 �f NZ'�'S �} O � }i � �i O � � � � � � � W �' � �c" � O � ���� � ��� �. ������ rr • w fl 1p � I� rn n ra s � c� - � � �a � o n o cn �" E iD r• fa 'C� C ►'t �" � � s �' a- s'�> :\ . � �1-Y�:.�� n u ��� - ���� ='� / ..����'�ia¢„« . .li�i' �'�.�'�" �. 1`"r ' `''.t, ,� � �-'`� ,-�'�?�' > �' �l►w�" �t; � . ' :., , «, ��';},•- ;��'+�y,;�., ':;�wrr`� � �'�' , ;.�.�4� y "'p��' [- . , � � f, t�� ,.. g ` ^� ' � ,1; .�.' _ �?;.�''". �r' �� �� Ys'�' ��~, r - � �: `��:�.'�!" i. ; ,,�,`."'h �"�� j+ � i � � ~��, . � "; = �: � �,,' GFi:a� . , ? ��'� - ae ^L'�';� � ��,�� . 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J, �l� ��y , ' . �. ._ .r_ it r � � � � ��� •� �; �;+, �'' ,���'`�:�- ''�: ► � j5 � ^ , �;'�'�a�'��s►' "�,T ' ; �` � ,�'� � ��� 22 s�al� 3ot of 1QO,QOQ feet af �oqs from the Ka� farm and f�oated them on the 1owe� reach of the SouGh �a�k to tidewa�e� 42 Three otner st'r'eams zn the orb�.t nf As�o�ia. Big and Nti�.I. Creeks and the �kipanon, a�.sa sus�tair�ed log driv'esp On Big Creek (Fig. 6b} logs w�re �loated out .i.n small lats fcsr a di,stance v£ tsaelve mi�es a.n �892 and ot�her � . yeaaes, ap�ar��3.y with uz�a�.ded wint� freshets`�� fln t.he Skipanon mare hexcsic meaz�s were needed: 4 `� ' A company �.s been organized to canstruct the much �al,ked of cana�. �a dive� the waters of the Necanict�ta and Ohanna creek £nto tha Skipanono 'Z'he purpose o� the canal is �o }ari�,g' the lags of �hat section down �c� �xde water on the Columbxa. The canal was under cans�,zation in th� su�m�z� of 19Q4 and the r�ex� year No B. Bazn was briaginq ou� logs on fts surface f�o�n Cul.�.aby Lake.�� Tn 1914 3oi�n Cf�.iz�e an8 zn 1918 Pe�ersan & F�rye were logging on �he ezthanced water of the Skiparkon ��' A sp].ash d�m was a7.so u�ec� �n a s�reara in As�ox�.a 47 ' Norris Staples and Sam. Maxwe3.l l�ve s�cured a Iogging con�ra��, for `" �prtzce tim�se.� upon Mi�.l creek, near Tongue Paint, arid will svon begin gu���,ng �.� �.n the maz�lret. There zs aIxaut Z, QOC1, 000 ��� nf goad tiznber an �he areeke Hec�or Campbell, the logger, once logged . on that s�reaac� and tuade a vexy gaod dam, which Stap�es & Maxwell e�ect tn use by pvrcha.s� frnm Ca�pbe�1.. Isz 3as��a�y I.903, ataples was driving nut his m�.11icsn �eet of logs. RECREA�.'IOt� At the prescn� t.i.me there is minor use af Lerai� and C�.ark Rivar above the head of tide for ]�aat fishing. A few steslhead fisherman wi,ll gut in on a day irt �he win�er seasan fram �he 40� Line Br�.dge and dxift tti.the head of �.idee Clse is cuxrentl.y �.ow a.n pa.rt because of a sl�.de whien hxs increased turb�.dity in �he stxeam. `� 23 R�COMNfENDA'.�'ION Mos� pf the ].ags that passed over the waters of the Port of As�nria, like thasa illustrated an this report's co�er, came fro� up �he Co�.t�m3a�,a Ri.v��c. Indeed �h� Benson ra�t pa.ctuxed was constructed on the Washington side of the grea� �iv�x. Theze taas a 3.ang �istory of us.ing the smaller streau�s in �he 1 i�smediate vicin3.ty of As�aria, but mos� 1.ogs were floa�ed on �he ta.�a�. �eachas vr we=e de�endent �or £1ota�inn a�aave �ide on art.i�ici�l ai.d as was dra3ma�ical3y the case w��h the Skipanon. A3.tlzongh there �ras na evic3enae of artificia3. sid � used ta flcsa� ou� �h� I.ags on Ynuzags Ri^ve� ar�d Big Creek, the use af these s�rea�s was �.ima.ted. �.'he anlp river on which there was suhstantial usage a�ove �he head of ��,de was the Lewis and Claxk balow the canyaa. �is use was upheld in Clatsop Cot3nty Circuit Caurt. Tl�e suscepti]�i1.i�y of �hat reach fo� nav�,qa�ion is �arres�tly demanstra�ed by sport f3.shing use. �f I.c,g driving prcaves �.4 be . ev},d�:nce of navigabila.ty, then ��ze S�a�e c�rauid have a claim ta �he }�ed of Lewi:� and GZaric R�.ver �ram Rive� Mi.Ie I6 to its mouth. on all other rivexs in the laas�.z�, a.ts cl.ai�n wa+�il.ct l�e tQ the head of tide or the reach c�e�lared by �the U. S. Corps of Engineers �CO Y� �rad�,�ional.l.y navigak�7.e as listec3 on page 2 of this re�arta 2he State would p�esumabl.p be. a]�1e to c�.a,zm to Riv�x° Mile 10 of • Xonngs R�.ver on the basis of th� U. S. Coast Gua:�d's dete�ncination of �hQ ziver's z��.vigability. � . 24 FOOTNOTES 1. (Qregon3 S�a�e Water Resources Bnarc3, Nor�h Coas� Hasin (Salem, 196�?, pP. 95-99, I05-1t37. 2. Oreganian. 1]. Ju].y 1873, p. 2; The Surveyor Generai iSalem) 1.853 map of . the township �e�'ers ta tkte si�e as Mnore's Mill; Emma Gene Mi3.�er� C.Iatsog " Ca, �xnty t�'ortland: Biaford & Mazt� 1958}, Po 215; �nr�h Pacific History Coe, "Solomon Howard 5mith,�� State Li}��a�y� Salem. 3e Uaa.l Ma�nin, AStorian� 4 Febo 1890; U. S. Chief of Enginee�s, Re}�vzt, 3.89�., v, 3383-85. 4. �bi,do, 1850 TV� 2992-93. The date on Fig. 4 is derived from the da�e aaa which Eastern & Western registered �hezr I.og karand wath t,3�,s Clatsop County Clerk, ,?s�ly 28, 1903, Phatastat o�' Cl.atsap Coun'�y Log Brands, p. 8, C�atsap County Courthouse, Astoria. 5. Arthur L. Thrvckmorton, Oregon Argonau�s (Partland: qregan His�or9.cal. Socie�ty. 19611, PP. 38-39; Stephen D. Heckhazn� Caos Bay fCoos Bay. A��go B�aks. I973), po��. ; U. S. Census, 1880, Origina�. returns, Schedule 3, Manufactures � Clatsop County, Astoria� Oregon State Li��a�y. 6. 23�id., Knappa Precinc�. 7. Weekly Astorian, 1(1 Sep 188a. 8. Ibid i4 Oet 1881; 4regonian 1,7an 1883. 9. Notes o� Russel.l. i�ark As�oria. . • I.O. Pacific caast Wood & zran� 38;1 (�7u1y 19n1}, �a. 132; Cnlumhia River and Oregon Timk.�erman, I:.L7. (Sep 19403, p. lt}; 1:�.2 {tict 39t30) , p. 7: 2:3 (Jan 1901} � p �� As�oria 1�ai.1y Budget, 23 Feb i901. �.�.. We�k3.y Asto�ian, 3 5ep ].887. l2. i�aily Nlnrning Ast��xan, 5 Sep I.889. 13. C_al�mbia River and Oregon _�`imbennan, I.:I2 (Oc�. 1900? . P. 7. 14. C[latsopJ C[ounty] C(zrcuzt3 C[a�tj C[asel Ncaa 5�23, Ke.l�.y v Colwel3.-Fowler, Cla�sop CovEn�y Cou�th.ouse: �h�ir brand� was registered with the Clatsap Cnunty C1erk on JuZy 2�, Z9U9, Clatsap County Log Brands, p. �.6. 15. CCC Na. 4326. 16. Notes nf Ru�sel� Bark; Miller, C.tatso}� County, g. 212 �ays ].894e Z have accep�ed �he earlier date because donkeys seem to have been �sell known in the county by �.894, Wes�port, Glatsop News, 19 May 1894. i7. 5upreme Cour� MS5 R-G�-SS, 68 A--3, �z'awer 248 �Ka�un � Na�znandl , Testzmany, pp. 122, .180, �.82, Z84, 388-89, State Archives, 5alem. 38. Ibi.d. , pP • 2�,0-].1. i9e U. S. Chief of Engineers, Report. 1890, IV. 2992. �o. cccce � zz��e 210 CCCCC # 12,979: and see F2aZph Ma Sne.t�, and B. �`. McSain, ��Early Pulp anc3 Pa�cr Mil].s 4� the Pacific Cna�t," Paper �'rade Journal {Oct Il, 1934) , PP • �5--46. zz. ccccc # ���z. 2 3 • �i�1�7: I C�.a�sap CountY �7 + GJ.2 . 24. CCCCC # 3772 and s�e Kamm v Normand �'ranscr�,p�, p. 3.58. 25. Astoxi.a, T�anscript, ].2 Max �.887: Dai.��M4zz�ing As�orian� 5 E`eb I89(�. z�. cccce # ���z. 27. Dai3y Mnrn�ng Astaz�ian. 28 Nav I89�. 28a CCCCC # 3772e 29. KamuE �r �iozmand Testimbny, P. 3.72. 3(1. CCCCC # 37"l2. ( 31. As�aria �ail Bud e�., 20. 29 Maar 1899. 32. Cnlw�nbia River and Oregon Tin:herman, 1:�. (Nav �.899) , P• 7. 33. As�ar�a �a�.1y Suc3get. 25 Mar 3.899: Co�.u�bia �tive� and Q�e an Timberman, ,. 1.2� (I1ec 1899? , p. 3.3: 1:3 {Jan 1900) , p. 13,: 7,:5 (Mar' I9�d) , p. 16; Moo�x B�c�s. - G. H., J. L. and F. M. - reqistere� t;nei� lag bzands K and I O an 13ecesnber 20, 1899, Gla�sap County Log Brands, p. 3. � 3�. Astoria,_Dai3.,Y,,,,.sudge�, 21 Oct 1901, 23 Feb .190J:o 35. Co3.umb�.a Ri.v�:r and 4rs on Timbezman, �2:4 {F`eb i9011 o p. 6: 3:4 (Feb I902) .�a 7. 36. Astoria H�ra�.d I Nov 1902. 3'7. Morn�.ng Astorian b May 1903: Columl�ia �tiver and pregon Tizsil�erman 4:3 (.7an 1903) , P. iii: 4:6 (Apr 1903) � p. 1(}; Kamm v�Fo�rzssand TestimonY, p. 139. L�bke's brand. Circl� W O was registered nn Nov. 27, Z9fl5, Clatsop County . 3Joq Bx'azlcis: P. 9. ' 38. Cal�r.ia River and Oreg�n Ta.mber�an, 7:I.0 (Aug 19Q6D , p. 43: RusselZ Da�3c notes. 39. Kamm v Noz�nanc� Tes��.mony pP, 49�-50, 57, 79� 82, 3.20, 187, 211., 2I3 az�d see p.' 2270 � ��a ���ds I �� 44, �47� G71/ �75 ��� ��� �e ��a �4i. ���a., ��. �4a, �ss. A2. Ibid., pP. �90, 37, �21, 18fl-85, �88, 19��91; CCGCC � 26I1. �3o D�ily Morning Astarian 20 No� �892; P�ci�ic Coas� Wao� and Iron I9e1 E�an �893) , P 1; ICa�n v Normand Testirnony, Ap. 17�, 203, . 44. As�aria Aai7.y Hudget, 4 Mar 1899, p. 4. 45. Columbia River and Oreqon Timbex�man 5:3.� (Aug 1904}, p 26; Mi11er, Clatsvp ., COt1z�tY r P • 212 . � , � 46. Clarea�ce Sigurdson. Raised by�the Sea (.��toria� 1973), pP. 84-�85, 87-88. 47. Colua�Ysia River and Ore an Timbermar� 1:9 (July 190a) . P• 5; 2 c 3 (J�,n �.501) . pa 6. For use of othe�' Clatsap County streants see Russe�.l I�a�3c nnt�s an Hear Creek: CCCCC #'s 2937„. 3188. 48. Infornsatinn �'roa� Dave Hekexoff, I�epaxtmen� n� Fish and WS.ld3zfe, i�y 1981. �