APP0046232-Revised Application-4/11/2011US Army Corps Joint Permit Application Form t�t! IS �„� L U @ � � C �-�---�.�_ F O � �. '.c � : o, N '_ SEND ONE SIGNED COPY OF YOUR APPLICATION TO EACH AGENCY USArmvCo.psofEne'neers: DSL-WeSroffheCascade5' DSL-PaStoftheCazcade5' SfndD$LA�I'cafonPCesfo' llislrictEngineer StateofOrcgon SmteofOregon �StateofOregon A7TN: CIiNWP-OD-GPPO UepartmentoCSfatelends p lleyartmentofS(ateLands DeparimentofStatelsnds IIos29J6 � 7755ummerSUeet,Sui�el00 R 16JSNEForbesRoad,Suite112 �� POBOSJ395,UnitlB Portland,OR97208-2946 Sele�n,OR97301-1279 Bend,Oregon97701 Potlla��d,OR97206�4395 503-SOS�t373 503-986-5200 Shcd88-6II2 (dllacl�acapyofihefirsfpageoftheappllmlbn) (1) APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicnnt Klamath Fn1Is I3ioenergy, LLC Dusiness Phone # 452-457-7486 Nnme and Address Jolm Rivers, P.E, Project Mgr Home Phone # N/A 10800 NE 8'" Street, Suite 320 Fax # � N/A Bellevue, \VA 98004-4467 Email johnrethenescogroup.com Nmne and Address C �e k n Consulfant � Cm�h•actor ❑ CII2M A[LL Business Phon� Curt Bngna(I, P.E./Forrest Hmue Phone # Yarsons Fax # 2020 SW 4' Avem�e, Ste. 300 Email Potllnn<I, OR 97201 N/A 503-736-2000 Curt.bagnall a ch2m.con�/forrest.parsons a ch2m.com Name and Address LLC Home Phone # ifdif@rentfmmabore� GdIOHighwny66 p�Y# Klamath Yalls, OR 97601(sea g��� also Supplement Attaclunent B) (2) PROJECT LOCATION Street, Rond or Otlier Descriptive T.ocntion Legal lle! approximately I]/2 miles southwest of tl�e Collins Timber Compnny mill beha�een HigUway 66 nnd a privnte road 39S kno�}�i as 100 Line Road.'17�e espected strcet address is 8000 Highwny 66, Klamatl� Falls, Oregon. Refer to the nttnched Supplement, Attnchment A, Figure 1, for a project location ntap. or near I Supplement. KlvnaUi 39S8G23, 24, 13 8E 24, SapplemenL 04300,0430 SW'/., NE'/.; SE %, NE %.; NE'/., NE %); Section 24 (SW'/. NW %i NW % NW %tiNE%aNN/%4NW%a, NE %.); Sectlon 13 (SW %., � Ifapplican[ is not [he property owner, permission to conduct the work must be flltached. ' Attnch n copy of nIl tax innps with tlie project nren highligllled. • I!n!lclzed nrens me irol re9uiseAbp O�e Co�ps far n courplele npp(Irn(lau, bul nmp be necessrtp� pdorlo Jhml pemdl Aedsiou b)� Oie Corys. I v. 07-07-09 (4) PROPOSED PROJECT PURPOSE AND DESCRIPTION Purpose and Need: Pi�ovicle n descrip(ior� of d�e pub(ic, socinl, eco�romic, a� enviromnental GeneJlts oflhe project nlong wi(h a��y supportingfonnal neNorrs ofn yi�b7ic boc7� (e.g. city ar cowaty gooenvnenQ, as npproprin�e.* Proieet Pm�uose: Klamath Palls Dioenergy, LLC (Applicanl) proposes lo constmet IUe Klmnath Palls Dioenergy Pacility (Facility) near the City of K�nmalh Falls, Oregon. The pnlpose oF tUe Fncility is to generate electricity from wood-derived fuels as efiicienity as possible with current technology. Up to 42 MW will be genernted, of which 37 M�V will be exported to the electric power grid. Proiect Need: Tne Pacility is needed to help meet Ihe Stnte-m�ndated development of renewable electricity generation. The�Facility will nlso provide substnntial economic benefit to Klamatl� Coimty in both the construction and operations phases. Project Description: Please describe in de�ail lhe proposed removal �nd rll �etivities, including the following infomiation: • Volumes a��d aereages of all fill and cemoval activities in wntenvay or wetlnnd separately • Pennnneni and temporary impacts • 7'ypes of materinis (c.g, gravel, silt, clay, etc.) • How the project will be accomplished (i.e., describe constmction metl�ods, equipment, site access) • Describe aivy chmtges lhal8te project may ntake to !he hyd+'nulic arrd iryfi'ologie charncterislics (e.g., general diveclion ofsbeani and stuface iratei� florv, estin�ated irinter nnd sm�vnerflow volumes) ofthe tiraters ojthe s�ate, and a�v e.iplo�vation ofniensures taken to avoid or minimize a�ry� adverse e(fectr of those chnnges. � Is any of the work alreacly complete? Yes ❑ No � Tf yes, please describe the completed work. • Itnfidzed nrens nre imt rrquired bp Oee Coq�s for rt cauple/e npplicn7ion, 6n7 mn�� 6e necessnq� yrior (o firm! peruii/ Aecision b�� the Carps. v, 07-07-09 3 L� nddilioii, for fish lmbi�nt or iveilnnd restora7ion or euhm�cewent nc�irities, camplefe Ure iafnrnmtia� reqrrested in supplewen�n(7'isle NnGr�n! or I{'e�lm+d Resto>alio�r nnd l�Jm�rceureutfarni. � Proiect imuncts Tl�c Pncility will result in pemianei�t impnc�s ro 0.05 acre of wetlnnds. 7'able I in �he nUached Snpplement summarizes permanent and temporary impacts lo wetlands and waters, inclnding removal and fill wlumes nnd materials. Permanent Lnoacts The Pncility will result in permanent impacts to a total of 0.05 ncre of wetla��ds. Pennanenl impnets to wetland N] will occur as n result of emistmction of an acecss roact nnd 36-ii�ch enlvert ncross the wetland. Hnpacts will include excavalion of we�land mnterial, cidvert placement, and rock and grnvel fill placemenl over lhe culvert to create a road bed. The 36-inch ciilvert will be adequntely sired to pass aNicipaled storm flows. Riprap will Ue placed at the culvert ends for erosion conirol. Pennnnent impacts n�il! oceur iri a pn/usn•ine eme�gent (PEb� vegelaled yortian ofthe we�land thnt has been previousl�� dis�urbed and is dou�lnnted b}� cn/lails. Temoornrv Imnncts Tempmary impact to a total of 0.685 acre of wetlands and waters will ocear wilhin a 16 foot-x�ide righ�-of-x�ny as a result of installation of an undergroimd 8-inch water line across wetlands N3 and W4 and streams S I, S2, S3, S4, and S5. Impacts will indude excavntimi of trenches, placement of pipe, and bnckfilling trench following pipe placement using lowgroand press�me eguiymem. l:xem�nled syoi! mnterinl ivil/ Le tempa�nry stoclrpiled iri uplond areas nTong 100 Line Road until bacAJl(ling ojtrench occ��rs. The ground surface will be restored to preconstmetion contonrs followi��g construction. racilitv Cmunonents 'Phe proposed Facility consists of Ihe following components (see figures in Supplenwnt Atlachment A for detnils): • A Power Islnnd building consisting of boiler. nd auxiliaries, air emissions control systems, steam turbine generator and auxilinries, fire protection systems, clectrical syste�us, and control and instmmentntion systeins • Ronds, parking areas, fences, fuel storage, and londing/unloading nreas • A 0.65-mile, 69-kilovolt (kV) over6end transmission line within the Facility substatio�� (referred to as n switc6yard) to a new substation that will be constmeicd by PacifiCorp within the Facility site boundary • A new 200-foot by 200-foot 69-kV PacifiCorp switchyard near Highway 66. Tlie Pncility's 69-kV ovediead transmission line will terminnte at this switcl�yard. PacifiCorp will have a 0.1-mile-long, 69-kV overhead tra��smission line Gom its switchyard to the exis�ing 69-kV overhead iransmission line on the other side of Higliway 66.'Che exact ronting of this line will be done by PacifiCorp. • A 1.7-mile-long, 8-inch-diameter buried water pipeline from Collins' �Vell 6 water stornge tnnk lo tlie Fncility Service/Eire Water Tank • A OJ-mile, G-incl�-dinmeter gas pipeline �ap from an existing Avista Utilitics pipeline that mns along I00 Li��e Road (to be installeet by Avista) • A 1-mile, 8-inch buried wnter pipeline estension of Ihe City of Klnmath Falis' water system frmn ��ear the soulhern end of Neyerhneuser Road inside the Collins propecry fence. • Telephone and communications line extension from Highway 6 i��to tlie Pnci�ity CmisMuctim� nfet6ods Tl�e sequence of major construclion activities is as follows: • Improve exisling roads nnd cons(n�cting new priv�te access roads • Perfonn dust a��d crosion control • Trench fonmdergroand utilities • Plnce undergroimd electrical and commnnications cables in Irendies • Constmet �n�ck dump and fuel stomge nrea • Constmet foundations nnd consimetion of Power Isln��d fncilities • Consinwt Ihe Substation • Constructaboveground utilities (power tcansmission line) • Conmiission nnd test Power Island facililies • Conduct fina� road grnding, final erosion control, and site cie�nup Sito Access The Pacility, including all related or suppor�ing faoilities, will be located entirciy on privntely o�med land zo�md Ilenvy Industrial (IH) by Klanmth County. The Facility coroponents nre proposed on private land for which the Applicnnt is in tl�e finnl singes of negotinting n purchase ngreement, or on private land for which the Applicant is in ihe pmcess of obtaining easements Gmu tlie landowner. Access to �he site wiil Ue along n proposecl new private aceess road ttiat intersects Aighway 66 and almig �Veyerhacuser Road �nd ]00 Line Road via fligl»vay 66. Potentinl Chnnecs to Site FTrdrmilic and Hvdrolo ic Ch�r�cteristics The Facility will not cnuse significant changes to �Ue hydraulic and hydrologic characteris�ics of wnters of �he state. The source of hydrology for Ihe site includes groundwater (springs and seeps), preeipitation, nnd irrigation. Culvert installation at weHnnd W I will adeqaately sized, tempornrily dislurbed arens wiil be reseeded and restored to precaistructimi contours, and stonnwater and wnstewater will be collected nnd sent to onsi�e stonnwnter infiltration ponds. Trench pla�gs iril( be instnlled n/oug }rn�erline �rt ivedmid boa�ndn�y. All stremn nnd wetlnnd hydrology �vithin �he proposed Facility is currently augmented by iaigntion. v. 07-07-09 Project Drawings S�atc the number of project drawing sheets included with this applicatimc 8 A complete applicatioi� must include a location nmp, site pinn, cross-section drnwings and recent aerial photo ns follows and ns . pplicaUle to the projecC Loenttm� mnp (must be legible wi�l� street names) � Site plmiincludin8; • Entire project site �nd activity arens • Existi��g and proposed contoars • Location of ordinary high water, wetlnnd bou��daries or odierjurisciictional boundaries • Identifieation of temporary and periuenenl impnet aceas wilhin wnterways or wetlands � Mnp scalc or dimensio��s and north nrrow � Location of staging arcns • Location ofconstn�otion access • Location of cross sectio��(s), ns applicnble • Location ofmitigatimi area, ifapplicable Cross scction drmving(s) inclnding; � Existing and proposed elevations • Identificntion of temponry and permanent impnet are�s within wntenvnys or wetlands • Ordinary high wnter and/or weUnnd Uoundary or ott�erjurisdictional boimdaries • Map scalc or dimensions ILecent.lerinl a6oto (1:200, or ifnot available for your site, the hiehcst resolu�ion nvnilaUle) Nill any cons�nwtion debris, nmoft; etc., enter n wetland or waterway? Ycs ❑ No � If yes, describe the type of discUarge and show the discharge location on Ihe site plan. The followi��g figures nre presented in Snpplement Attachment A: Pigure l, l.ocalion Map; Figures 2 through 5, Pncility Site Plnn Details; Figures 6:md 7 Cross-Seclion Drawings; and Figure 8 Aerinl Site Pl�oto. Estimated project start date: Spring 20ll Estimaled project completion date: Spring 2012 • Ilalicizednrertsnreno(reqniredbp/lieCorysfor«con�pletenpplicrsliou, 5 v. 07-07-09 (5) PROJECT IMPACTS AND ALTERNATIVES Alternatives Analysis: Uescribe alternntive sites m�dtn�oject designs t{mt irere cansidered to nvoid or nuniuiize imyacts to the ia�ntenrny a• wetlmid. (IncLrde niternn�ive design(s) wrth less rmpnct und ren.rons ivhy d�e n/ternntive(s) x�ere not choseri. Reference Oi1R 141-OSS-O565 (I) through (6) jw� more inja���an/iai*). Altemative Facilily Inyoids with greater pote��tial for stream crossing and wellnnd impacts were initially considered; l�owever, the currently proposect lnyout re0ects consideration ofzoning res�rretions, nir q�mliry issttes, /nrid nvai7n6i1it�5 tdilizntion ofpi'eviot�sl}� disno�bed land, stream crossings and eaisting wetlands and wns specifically designed to avoid impnets to wetla��ds and waters to Ihe maximum extent possible while stil] accomplishing project goals. Preliminay ann(��ses ofsi�es m die wut and south of �he yreferi�ed sile identified a nruch liigher densiry and higher gunlity netx�ork ofNLV4mnyped r��et/ands, records ofendnngeredp/m�1s, /00 yem•jloodpinins, m�dn /ack of nvnr7abJe /andynrce/s lnrge enoa�g{� �o accon�modnte the Pnci/rq�. Tlie currertt Faci[i/}� is also Ioeated the masimum dislnnce possrble fi�an die Oregon Depa�nnent ofG»viromnen�al Qunlity (ODEQJ »mratlninmeM boemdmy line m�d SIP rnnin(ennnce progrmm �ren to the east n! ihe re9erest of ODLQ, rrr(lrou( impacting afor•emen�ia�ed ivednnds �o the x�est m�d south. Land na•th ojthe I'ncilrty is zoried residen�ial New nccess ronds }vere nTso si�ed in nn nrea thnt is the uia��intmn dismnce possible fi�om �{ie ODEQ rJOn- atlainment bavnda�7� anrl itnpact n previousl}� drsturbe�! lon�uality porlion ofrrelland I�V/ rvhile s�ill yroviding sunicient access to the I'nciNry�. �l No &rilcl nl�ernative does no� he/p mee/ Ihe Stnle-mnndnled r�enewnble eleen�icity generation gonls m�provrde signrficarl ecanomic benefits ta Klmna�lt CounTy, . Nhere impacts to streams and wetlands were unnvoidnble, the Facility layout was redesigned several times to further minimize impncts. �fforis to avoid or minimize impacls that were incocpo�ated into the initinl desig�i include the following: • Avoidm�ce of lnrge wetland complex located immedia�cly south of I00 Line Road. • Locating ovediead transmission lines and support poles, nnderground water li��es, and . ceess roads lo minimize number of stream crossings. • Using ezisting roads for Facility access �nd mnintennnce to the maximum extent possible. • Locating nnderground water lines adjacent to existing ronds as mnch ns possible to minimize impacts associated with constmetion and mninte��ance of access roads. • Locating new necess roads, insofar as possible on�side of strenms nnd wetlands irhile inco�poratrng minimum rond wtd�hs to the rna.r6num zxtent possible reqniremenls. Measures to Minimize Impacts Describe wliat measures you will use (before and after constmetion) to mi��imize impacts to the wnterway or wetinnd. '1'hese may include bul are not limited to the following: • Forprojecls rvflh gr'otmd dfs�tmbance incl:�de nn ei�osion canL'o/y/nn o�' descriplfon ojotlter best mm�ngemwrt prnetices (BA1P's) as npproprinte. (For ma�e ii jornanlion on erosion conh�ol yrnclices see DEQ's Oregon Sediment nnd Erosion Coutrol.11mn�n0 • For rvark in wale�'�vnJ�s rvhere,fish orJloirrng wnler m�e ]ike7y to Ge present, discuss harr the H�ork aren xdll be isolatedfi�om the,�loiring wntw�. • lfnnlive mig��a7oryfish are yresent (or ivere historicn/!}� presenQ nnd yott are /nslalling, repincing a� abandoning n ca�A�e�'i m' olhei'potentrnl obsnxre�ion to fish ynssage, comple�e nnd attach a s�ateuient of how tiie Fish Pnssaee Renuiremerus set by the Oregon Deyartment of /'ish m�d 7�Yildlife wflf be �net. • 7lnlieized n�ens nre rml reqrrired b�� Ihe Cbrps jor n eouiple(e npplirnliou, 6�m m��� be xeeesmn' prior lo Jiunlpenui7 deeisiwi b�� O�e Cbrps. 6 v. m-ozo9 Where wetlnnd and stream impac�s fiom the access roads and pipelines were unnvoidable, the Facility was designed to minimize impacts. Efforts to nvoid mid minimize impacts ttiat were incorporated into ihe initinl design nre snnnnnrized below. Avotdance and Minimization Before Conslruction The following protective measnres were or will be implemented before constmction of tUe Facility to avoid and minimire impacts: • Site faciiities, transmission lines, wnter lines, and roads �vere sited to minimize the number of acres iropacted. • Existing ronds will be ased to ihe maximum extent possible. • Road crossing of wetlnnd W I nnd wnter line installation will occur in areas with previous disturbance as a result of agricidhval netivities. Avoidance and Mlnimiza6on Dur(ng Construction The following proteclive mensnres will be implemented during constn�ction of ihe Fncility to nvoid nnd miniroize iropacts: • Preparing and iroplementing an Erosion and Sediment Conirol Plan • Locating s�nging nreas at least 100 feet from Waters of ihe Stnte/U.S. or in areas previoasly developed for such use. • Constructing culverl crossings nnd w�ter line installatio�� wlien n/1 cl�annels are dry, to the extent possible. • 6m�e w� dfrectional dr�ll m�dw� irriga(ion canals (s�rennrs S2 and S3J during x�ater line insta((niton iflrrigation cm�als are �ao� diy. Boring undev the canals i»Il regtrire n slta'( bw'e. Tlre s/tar( bore canbined ia�ith the sniall dian�eter oJpiye to be insln/led (8 inches dtmne(ei) irill al[oivlhe uirde�rrossirrg to be coinp7eted xdth ve�y little drilltngf7uid presstu'e regvired. 17rus, the poteittia/for Lrtrdrertent re7ense ofd�'illing Jluid is considered to be ve�y loiv. � • Limiting work within Maters of �he State ro ODPW recommended in-waler work periods of July 31 to Jaimary 31. Proposed Best Management Practices The Ayplicant proyoses Best Management Practices (BMPs) to ensure that impacts to Hie streams and wetlands are avoided to the maximum extent practic. ble. These BMPs are ]isted in the N�tional Pollutant Dischaxge Elimination System (NPDES) 1200-C construction pennit nnd nssocinted erosian nud sediruent routro! pinn. Ihe faDotoing BMPs nre the rniniinurn requirements far fl�e nnticipnted s/te construetio�a. TF�ese BMPs should be uygrnded, or ndditional BMPs should be instnlled if une.ryeeted condifions nre enconntered: • {Vif%'F.RlVILLBrUSEDFORDUSTSUPPRESSIONTOM/NId1lZGI'UGITI�EDUSTFROMLEdV/NGTHESI7GDURING CONSTRUCT70NACTIVlTIES, �1ND DURING DELIVLRYOF CONSTRUCT/ON b�i1TER/dLS TO TlIG SITG. • TGb9P0lL1RlLYSTADIL77.GDISTU2BEDAREASIVlTHdIULCHOREROS/ONCONTROLd/ATT/NG. • SITEREST021TIONdCT/(�/T!L•SIVlLLINCLUDER��GGETATINGDISTUR6EDARF,ASIV/THANAPP20VEDSBL•Dd-f/,t' • EROSIONCONTROLd4ATTlNGY�ILLBEINST�iLLEDONALLSGrDEDSLOPGSGREATTHdN3V.9H. • RECTIFICATION�INDREST021'I'IONOPTLIvIPORAR}7bIP�1CTSi39LLWVOLI�BTFILPOLLOii'INGACTIONS,�ISN/iEDED: GENLRAL SlTE CLEdN-UP; RIPPING SOIL 70 COUNTE2 THE EFFECTS OF CO.NPdCT/ON I:XCrPT IN Yt'ETLANDS; dND RCSTORING/REPLANTlNG VEGETiITlON. Nd'!'IVL• PLANT b�ATCRIAL I['/LL BEPROt�lDED ITOR VEGETi1TlONRESTOIUI'I'/ON. THE SPCCIES COIv1POSITION IVILL I��IRYUGPF.NDING ONHF'DROLOGIC CHdIL1CTERIS7%CSAT EACHLOCATION. • SILT FENCE {VlL7,11r MSTALLED ONCONTOUR A20UND 7HF, PliR/DIETGR OPTGd�fP027RYSTOCKPILI;'S. • SILTFGNCEIVILLBElNSTiILLCDONCONTOURDOiI�GRr1DIENTOFGRID/NGi1NDLdNODISTURBINGdCTIVlTITS. • SOIL STOCKPILrS YVILL BG COVCRED i['!TH UV RES/S7��N7'PLASTIC SIICETlNG O2 STi1BILIZED I(9�HA TlIICKLA}GR OF MULCK SOIL STOCKP/LEARI;AS IVILL BCLOCATED OUTS/DL• OFTHE li'E7L�INDAREAS. • !/lGHLYI�/SIBLEG'EA�CLP['/LLBEINSTALLEDiIROUNDSRNSITIi'rANDCRITICALAREVS,INCLUDINGi�'ETLANDSTH�ITdRE Ii'ITHIN THE J4CINlTYOF CONSTRUCT/ONACTIVlT/GS. LdND DISTURBING �I CT/I�/T//;'S AND OPERAT/ON OF CONS7R UCTION VEHlCLES {V/LL BEPROH/!31'PrD PROb4ENTE27NG THE {1BTLdNDS7'O 138 P2ESP:RVED. HlGHLY VlSIBLL• PROTGCTlPE F'LNCING IVILL BE INSTALLED PRlOR 7'O CONST2UCTlONACTIVlTIES i1 ND bIdlNTiIINGD F'OR TAL DU21 TlON OF 7FIF. PROJGC7: • TIIICh LA3 ER OF' b-fULCH {f�ILL BL• PLdCCD ON TIIr DISTURBED SOIL TO PRGVENT 607%/ iVIND AND RAINEROS/ON. • L•,l'/STING [�L•G6Ti1 T/ON {i7LL IJE PRESLRYED. VEGETi17%ON �IIAT IS PRTSERVED II'ILL BE USED dS d VrGGTATIVE BdRRl6R IN F'RONT 0/' OT/IGR Bd4PS SUCHdS PERIA/GTEX CON7'ROL S(LT FCNCE. • REVLGETATCdRCdSDISTU2BEDDUR/NGCON5TRUCTIOK REVLGETi1TIONIVlLL6VCLUDT:'GRASSANDii'dTE2QU9LIT}' VEGETAT/ON 6V THE STORdJ(ViI TT;R INFILTRATION PONOS, �LVD PLdCBd46NT OF NLIV TR�LS AROUND THE PT:RId-7ETER OF T/IE FAClLTTY. • GINdLSITERCSTORdT/ONdCT/VITlES!{71.I,BT;CONDUCTEDONCLTHEO[�BRHEdD'fRANSd�71SSIONLINEHi1S6GEN COd7PLCTPD AND THE SITE DISTUR6lNG CONSTR UCTlONACTI��/TIES A2E CObIPLG7ED. . /MliciZeAnrens nre uo( reqnimAbp Oie Corps for n rouep/e/e npplienliou, bul xmp 6e necessrtq� priot to finrtl pe�u�il Aecisiou b��lGe Corps. 7 c. 07-07-09 Description of resources in project area Ocenn ❑ �sluary ❑ River � Lake � Strenm � FresUwaterNetland � Dcscribe thc existing pLysicnl �nd Uiologic:�l chnractcristics of the wetlancUwaterway site by area nnd type of resource (Use separale sheels and pliotos, if necessary). Rm• wetlnnds, includc, as applicablc: • Cmrardin nud Hrdroreo�na'nhidHGd-D rreNand clnss(s)* • Dominant plant specfes by layer (herb, s3n�ub, n�ee)' � Whett�er the wetland is ffesliwater or tidal • Assessmentofthefm�ctimm7ntl��iba�tesofU�ewe!londtobeimpacted* � Identify any vemnl pools, bogs, fens, mature forested wetland, seasonal mudFlats, or native wet pmiries in or near tl�e projecl area.) Ror waterwnys, inelude n cleseription of, as applicable: � Chnm�el and bnnk condilions* � Type and condition of ripm�inn vegetn(ion * � Chnnnel mayholo�� (i.e., slrticitu'e arid shape)* � Streamsubstrnte* • Fisli m�d wildlife (t}7�e, abundance, period ofnse, significnnce • General hvdrolo2ical conditrons /e.Q. sh�enui )Totio. sensonn/ R Wellantl 1V 1 is I.0 1-acre slope (HGM), palustrine semb-shmU/emerge��t (Cowardin) wetland. "1 he wetlmid had ponded water. nd sah�rnted soils that ayparenily originn�c from n seep at �he toe of slope of Ihe Highway 66 road prism. Dominant vegetation is T}Nha lntijoliu (OBL) a��d Sci�pus ncutus (OBL).'Phe wetln��d bonndary was deli��eated at the visible edge of the seep mid n trmisition Gom dmninant wetland vegetation to predominnntly Pesa�ca a�undinacea (FACU). Func�ional a�tributes of this wetlnnd likely include moderate capacity as liabitnt for loenl nnd mig�ati��g wildlife, nntrient and sediment retention, and water stornge and delay. This wetlanct is npstream of stream Sl and extends south of �he study. rca. \Vetlnnds 2, 3, and 4 are depressional (HGM), paluslrine emergent (Cownrdin) we�lands Iocnled in depressional nreas of an irriga�ed pnsture north of 100 Line Road. Dominant wetland vegetation wns Juncus balticus (PAC�'� and Distichlis syicnm (FAC1�.'Clie wetland Uonndnry was delinealed nt the edge ohhe depressimi and a transitio�� from dominant wefla��d vegetation to predominantly Dact}�Iis glomernta (I�ACU). Shallow irrigntion di�ches ihronghont this wetland suggest 6ydrology is augmented by inigation. F�metional attribnles of ihese wetlands likely include moderate capaciry ns ]�abitnt for locnl nnd migraling wildlife and low capacity for nutrient and sediment retention, w. ter storagq and del,Ty. According to tlie I. nd mannger, the Klamnth River is tlie sonme of tlic irrigntion water. Wetlands 5 and 6 are isolated, depressional (IIGM), palustrine emergent (Cowardin) wetlands located in ihe road ditcl� on tl�e ��orih side of I00 Line Rond. No mapped hydric soils occur in these we[lands. I��dications ofliydrology inclade snrface wnter and soils snturated in �6e upper 12 i��ches. Dominant vegetation is Jtmcus ba/tic¢rs (FACR� and TyNlra latifolia (OBL). The weNand bom�daries were delineated al Ihe edge of ihe ditch nnd the toe of tt�e slope of ] 00 Mile Road where the vegeta�ion hansilions from predominantly wetlaud vegetation to predominanttyDnctylis glomerntn (FACU). Funclional atiributes oCthese wetlands likely include a low capacity for mrtrient nnd sediment retention, water storage, ancl delny. Streams S 1, S4, anet SS are 2- to 6-foot-wide and 1- to 3-foot-deep epliemeral irrigation ditches that Irnverse the survey corridor in predaninanlly straight lines until �hey leave the survey corridor through cidverts beneath 100 Line Road and into other irziga�ion cnnals, eventunlly flowi��g into the Klnmath Rivec'I'hese streams have ea�then banks nnd a scoured soil/gravel beds. There was no observed ilow a• granid�rater irithin 8re upper 12 inches in these sireams and the siream beds were padially vegetnted with paslure grasses. According to �he local land mnnnger, ilow in �he channel o�ily occurs during spring following hcavy precipitation and during active irzigntion periods. Strearos S2 and 53 are approximatcly 20-foot-wide earthen, perennial, irrigntion canais that Iraverse ihe survey corzidor in predominantty strnight lines until Ihey leave Ihe snrvey corridor tt�ough a culvert bencath ] 00 Line Road. These canals were Flowing nt ordinary high water during field invesligalions. Tlie ennals evenhially flow in�o �he Klmm�th Rivec Stream S3 is ndjacent to wetland N4. hiformation on fish distribn�ion was obtained from the StreamNet Pacific t�V internctive Mapper �Veti site (StreamNel, 2010). None of the stream reaches witl�in the site boundary nre docamienled as yrovidi�ig spnwning, renring, or migmtion corzidors or foocl-producing areas for fish. t�se oJ �he r��atei�uray or • 7(nlleiz�•d nrrns ore uo/ required by 7Ge Corps for n rouiple7e npplirnlion, bul nmp be irecessrtq (o frnNpern�i( decis/on b)� U�e Corps. 8 v. 07-07-09 Sirenms within the project boundnry are non-navigable, pnss ihrongl� n series of nnderground culver�s, and are u: The strenms are locn�ed on private land and nre unlikely lo provide any fisUing opportunities or recreational use. Site Restoration/Rehabilitation � I'or� temyormy disiurbance of soils and/or vege�atimr in }va�enrays, iretlands o�v�iparfan areas, ylense drscuss hox� you irill restore the site aflei� Ca)150'[ICtio)] inclu[�ilte aflv D]nnilni'inv_'i(nerteaemv� Iiehebilitntion. DisturUed nrens will be reco��tonred or nllowed to rever[ to preconstmction conditions. In some cases, minor soil compaction and vegetation destmctiom m�y not waannt reclamation. This decision will be made on a ense-by-wse bnsis. Al] sites, with �he exception of stn�cture sites, will be gmded ns closely as possible to the origi�ml contour. Areas of soil dislurbanee include cidtivaled or othenrrse develoyed ngriculhu�al7a�vd (cropinnd), agr/cedrarnl x�edands, and ynsture, as ire!! ns industrinl m�eas and will be seeded inmiedin�ely upon Facility comple�ion with nalive grasses free of weed species. Lnndscnpe fabric or cellulose or sirnw muich will be used nccording to manufactured snpplicr specificnlions Cor application for temporary erosion conUol. Nhere the water line trench may drnin a wetlnnd (stopes), clay plugs (n�ende ylugs) will be constructed or the trench bottom will be sealed as necessary to mnintnin Ihe original wetland hydrology. LS•osion and sediment eomrol mense�res wil! be put in y7nce during consnvetlon vnlil Ihe afJec�ed m�eas are restored. Exeess soil materials, rock, and other objcetionable roaterials ihnt are not used in restorntion work will be disposed of nt nn npproved Iandfi]I. Revegetntion. !•'w� njfected wetland m�ens, plantirig wil] be dictn�ed by �he landotivner. The dpylican( shall select Ure seed uds (o apyl}� Gased on dre yreconsn�a�etion lnnd a�se. TTie dpyltcant consulted ivith Tonr Collam of dte Rlmrtath Falls ODP6V o�ce and the lnndscaye desigrrer to develoy a revegetn�ion plmr mid a/ist ojnative specres tha� would be appropriate fa� use in re��egemtion. Recmnrnended species ine/ude s]ender haL�grnss (Desdianipsia elonga�a), frJlarrd snitgrnss (Distielrlis spicata), nrendoin barley (Flordeunr brnchyantherami), emnns (Camassln yt�nmasli), and basin ivild�ye (L}�miis cinereus) seeded n( n mte of nypro.ciumte/}� I S/bs/ncre, Pkmting shordd be daie at the nyproprinte tlme of}�enr ta fnci(ita/c seed gerinirmtion, based on wea�her condfNons and the time of year when consn•emtion-relnled groarnd disturbance occurs. Tlie Applicant sha71 choose planting me!{iods based on site-syecffre faclm�s samh as s/oye, erosfon patentinl nnd the size oJthe nrea in need ojrevege�ation. Dis�urbed giround ma}� re9vire chemtenl or mec{�anlcal ireed contro/ befa�e r��eeds have n chnnce !o go to seed. Seeds ivil! be brondcase 7he dpplicant shn![ monitor revegetation rmless die landoivnerlms co��vw�ted the area to a use inconsistent ivith the success cr•itw�ia. TheAypllcmat shall employ a qual�ed inveslign/or (mr independenl bannist or revegelation specinlis!) !o e,ruurine all non-croy/and revegela7ion arens m nssess vegelalion cover (e.g., species, smuctee�al stageJ ur�d t» �ogress �oward mee�ing tl�e snccess cri�e�ia To n�eet suecess criterra dve grorrrrd coi�er urus� be douiinated b�� ttative species nnd hm�e nt lens� 80percen! groand cover. 6!'hen �he Oregon Deyar(nren( of Ene�g�� (Deynrtnrent) frnds �hat the condition of nn nren sa�lsfies ihe criterio for ��evege�ation success, !he Deynrtmen� shall coxelude thnt Ihe dpplicant has met the reslora�toiu oblrgations fw� thnt area. ljthe Depm�tment fmds thn� the lando�vner hos converted an m�ea to n use that 1s inconsisten� wi�h t{iese success m�iteria, the Depm9me�i[ shall corrclnde �hnt the Applicant lms no fimtt+er obligntfon lo restore !he area for rni/dlife hnbi�a� uses. Tlie fo0owing general measures are nnticipated for eonsnvctioiv int�hin 1Fze 16foo1 ierde iva�erline ROIiS • Trrigation will be reduced for n rensonable time prior to construction activities to allow gromid to dry, tl�creby reducing project-related vehicle and equipment impncts (tire mtting and ground compnetion) to wetlands. • Rubbertice veliicles, loirgrovnd yressro�e e9uiymwv, a��d /or ma�s will be used to avoid compaction by vel�ioles in wetlands when fensible. • Removal of exis�ing root systems and grading within wetlands will be avoidect as much as reasonably possible. • %he top luyer ofsoil wi// be salvoged seynrnte7�� dta'itrg eccavatiori nnd put Gnck ai top dur/ng bncb�(ling. • No �opsoil, seeding, or mulch will be installed in streamside nreas below mdinary high wnter. Mitigafion Describe tlie reusonnbly eipected adrerse efjects of the devefopnteiv of diis yrojec� m�d how 8�e e�eets wil! Ge uii�tga�ed. * � P'orpw�nmrient imynet to wetlnnds, comylete mi�l attnch a Co�npe�vsa�o�7� I�i'etlnnd Mi�igation (CNA1) Plan. (See OdR 141-OSS-0705 for plan regnire�uents)" � P'm� yermanent tnipac� m wnters otiier than rvellnnds, cmnple�e and attnch n Con�per�satm7� A9rtigation (CD� plm� (See O�I R I 11-085-0765 for y/arr regui�'emeMs) * • Fo!' Uer'lNalteHt ilnOnct lo esiu[�l•ine wellnn[/s. nnu ntu.cl.cul�mii n CdPh-f n/ma * • !(rtlieized nrens nre �ro( �eqnireA6�� IGe Corps jor rs caup/e!e npylrenlimy bn7 wnp be nemssnn� p�iorlo frartl pennil Aecision b�� /he Corps. 9 v. ozo7-o� nlitigntion. Approxiroately 0.05 ncre of we�lands will be pennanently impacted as a result of n new nccess road and mdvert installation witliin tlie proposed Facility site bo�mdnry. According to OAR 141-085-012I (b) (3) "there is n rebnttable presumptio�� that on-site CWM is impmeticaUle" if permanent impacts nre less than 0.20 acre. Fadhermore, a review of npproved and appropriate DSL wetland mi�igntion banks from wliich mitigation bank credits mny be purchased (OAR 141-085-0131) shows thnt no sucU mitigation Uanks exist within the same region as �he proposed Facility. Therefore, "payment in lieu" �vill be used to compensate for permanent impncts to weUands at a rnte that is ihe nverage cost of credits available from nll active mitigntion banks in the stale ($80,200/acre as of July l, 2010) as compiled annually by the DepnrUnent (OAR 141-085-0131 (3) (b)). The to�al payment in lieu to compensatc for permanent impacis to 0.048 acre of wetlands is $3,84R60 (580,200 X 0.048 acre). I�Pet/mul7u�pncls Assessmenl. The 0.045 acre ofwetland II'l 7hnt jri!! be imp�cled is classifred as n slope (tlGh�, PLM(Coi��m�drn) wedard dominuted by ca�tails (Tjyhn !nlifoTia) located ivithin the bmJks of u�� ephemer�il ngriculnn•al ditch. Funetio�eal om�fbtrtes oflhe nreas where ire�7m�d Y3'htid11 be permaneni/�� ioiyacled include moderate capacrty as habitn� fa� locnl nrid mig��ating songblyds and mater birds, nartrient nnd sediment re(enlion, nnd wnter s(orage and de/n}� arid « lmv capaciryfor thermoregtdn�ion fish, ainphibrnn, rep�ile and invertebrnte hnbi�at support and charneteristic vegetnliari. Fo!/otirrng construction, funetionn! am�iGutes ofwelland 6V1 will include a low capnetry� as habita! for lacn7 nnd migrating songbirds ni�d water bir•ds, nutrie�ai m�d sedime�it reten�ion, x•nter s�ornge, diernroregulntion, fish, nmphibinn, reptile m�d fnvertebrate habilat st�ppo�'t, a�td chnracierislic vegetnlion. Mitigation Location Information (Fill out only when mitigafion is proposed or required) Proyosed ❑ Onsile �ligalion T}7�e ojudtigntron: mrtignlian � OJfsite hli�igntion � {f'edand Alitigntioit (Checkall ihm ayp¢): ❑ h9itigntlm� Bmik ❑ b-fitigation ja• irnpae�s to oUier walers � Pnyment to Provide ❑ Mrlign�ion for inapac�s to rzavign�iort fishing, or recren�ion Stree4 Rond o�� OtherDescriptive Location Legal Descriplia� (atmch tar lot mno*) N�A Qum�te�✓Qrmrter Section Township Rnnge 7n or nem• (Ciry or Toivn) Counly Tna # Ta�� Zo( # Wetland/LVate�x�ny (pick one) River Nfile ('rfknown) Lalin�de !Li DD.DDDD Jor'mn/) I.oneilt�de (in DD DDDD j'ormad Name of irnte��n�n�dwntershed/II(7C Name ojmitignlion Gnnk ('fapplicnGle) (6) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Adjoining Property Owners nnd Their Addross and Plione Numbers (if niore than 5, npach prinled labels*) See Snpylement Attachmenis B and C. Has Uie proposed activity or m�y related activity received the nttention of ttie Coeps of Engi��eers or the Department of Stnte Lands in the pnst, e.g., wetland delineation, violation, pennit, Icase re9nest, ete.? Ycs � No ❑ If yes, wlial identif cation number(s) were nssigned by the respeclive agencies: Corps # N{VP-201 l-48 State of Oregon # DSL WD # 2010-0435 Has n iretland delinea�ion been courpleted fa� this site? Yes � No ❑ IJl'es b�� rvhom?* Forrest Parsons, CH2M H1LL Hns Ihe �ret(nnd delirieation been ap/»'oved b�� DSL or (he COE7 Fes ❑ No � /f��es, attach n concurrence letter. * ' Attacli a copy of all tax maps with ihc projcct nrca highlighted. • Iln/iriZed nrens rtre iio( re9nirer7 b)� /Ge Corys for n romplele nyplicrt(ia�, bn! umy be uecessnp� prior io frunl pennil dreislai bp (Ge Corps. 10 v. 07-07-09 ( rl �-�( +? " �-u i v - r� _} 3 � (7) CITY/GOUNTYPLANNING DEPARTMENTAFEIDAUIT (TOBEGbMPLETEDBY � I 6ave reviewcd Ihc projcct outlincd�in �I»s applir�tiq�i pi�d h;�ve�determine� thnt: ❑ This projectfs not rcgul,itcc� by �he coiUPYGlieitsive p(an nnd Imid use�regulntiens.: �❑ 7'his projcet is�consistciit with IL� coinprcl�cnsivc plan�nnd land use rcgidalio6s.: �, 'I'hi>�project will be consis�enl with lhc.comprehensive plpn nnd landl�se regvlations rvhen tlte.following; loenl aE�oval(s) arc o6lainrd. ;p� Cuuditiuual UsnApprova� c/Yt4 1 ✓�G `�(',�j� � � �-' �' � oa.:� � � 1 Gr�c; -��j'rvUa, ��. Ge��clo ntcntPirmih � � i� � [� p S� ��� �. tih� ��"� a12 s'�;�ah.(1 (L�Y ��_�E? ❑ oN,�� � "I'his projcc4ls not consistcnt with lhc comprehcnsiv� plan. Consistcncy r�quires n ❑ PlmrAnicndmen4 . . . ❑ 7mie�Chnnge ❑ Other An applicalion lias � I�as not ❑ 6Crn filcd for locnl approvals obeckeJ ntiove. -----�------ - --- -..�._.___.._: l.ocnl pinnning o�cial nnmc .S(gnnhuc '1'itla " Cily l Cnunty l�ate. . (pnnt) _ _--�-- ----- � . . -'_- �.' -.•---'--- --- ------ —�-----� ----.._.. �ll,l_� �nAM�S �/' � l,Z, 1�NPGiN�-"(�1�-��1�- K������ollU'l l Commenls: • /M!lctzeArsieas6r<!rolrei�e�beilA,i�lGeCnm.cfruacnpq�/e(en��pllcullon �0 v.0]-G7-D) (8) COASTAL ZONE CERTIFICATION * Tf lhe proposed netivity described in your pennit applicntion is within ttie Orceon coastal zone, the following cerlificntion is required before your application can be processed. A public notice will be issued with the cer�ification s�a�ement, which will be forwarded to the Oregon Deparhnent of Land Conservation and Development for its conenrrence or objeclion. For ndditional infom�ation on ihe Oregon Coastal 7one M�nagement Progmm, contact the depadment at G35 Capilol Street 1VE, Suitc 15Q Snlem, Oregon 97301 or call 503-373-0050. CERTIPICATION STATEMEN7' I certify that, to �hc best of my knowledge and Uelief, ihe proposed ac�ivity described in this application complies with the approved Orego�� Coastal - Zone Mnnagemcnt Program and wil] be completed in a manner consistent witti the program. Print IType Nnnw Titic N/A N/A Applicant Signature Date N/A N/A • 7mlieized nrens are uot reqnired bJ� /he C'orps for n romplefe npy/icrtlrai, bet mnp 6e ueeessnp� prior lo fiun! permi! decision bp !Ge Corps. 12 v. 07-07-09 � � A�i? L �. 2i�?i s�s� - ���s� �. �' �. , �_. • !lalldu4prCdtollnofrequhtlAy(fieCorpifoiq�onrytneopp!lmfio'n�6Nfmaybei�tcasaryp�/orloJlttn/pe�nd7drdi7nryb)�lheCO�pr. 12 � v.07�07•09 5 r� at 1v�r `� r`� Y'�c-t..ivG.. � �xvv�.il �'2Y• t l . Hi Forrest, ' � ����1� � � ���� As we discussed on the phone, I reviewed the revised 1PA you sent on Feb. 25, 2011 and have the following comments that will need to be addressed before the application is found to be complete: • Please expand on the construction methods including the types of equipment that will be used Response-The equiprnent re�uired fm• construction of the 8-dinnieter zu�ater line aud nccess rond eoifhin zoeftnnds ineludes h•acklwes, trnetors, rcnd 1�envy diihj h7+cks. Topsoil aiid trene?i syoi�l zuill be tern�o�•nrily stockpilerl outsi�le fl�e zuetinnd in ttpinnds locnted i�nrne�lintel� ndjr�cent to zvnter line. Tfiere are no ndditionr�l staging arens zvithiri zoetlanrls or o�utsirle flie �nnin fncilit�j site boundar�. Follozoing iiistnilntion of tlre zuater li��e, tretrcYi zoill Ue bnckftlled mid tap soil zuill be pinced bnck on top. Dorniianitt vegetntion tl�nt cici7•e�ttly exists in t/rese zoetlnrids iticltides Tfplin lntifalin (OBL), Seiipi�s nc�itits (OBL), Jintci�s br�lticus (FAC[�, Distiehlis spicntn (FACV�, Dnei�jlis glornernfn (FACU), nrid plmtted ngr•icidturnl grnsses. For affected zoeflnnrl nr•ens, plr+ttti�tg zoili be dictnterl by tke Irrn�loeu��er m� zoill be seeded iinrnedintely upori Facilihj emripletiort euitk 1u�tive species ns determined by consultntion zuit7�� the Klnrnnt?� Fnlls ODFW office. Restorntion zu�ill be emnpleted zvifl�in 24 trEOnflts or zvhett t�unlifierl �eprese�ttntive rleterr�tiiies ylnnts of tYie snine t�jpe nnd der�sit� ns pre-construcEio�i conditions. See site restor•ntio�t/relinl�ilition section of tliis npplication for rrwre detnils. • Please expand on the alternatives section with a focus on on-site alternatives and project criteria Response-Existi�ig ronds are iised to the riar�xiniurn exte�et possrble. O1ae iiezu project nccess road is proposed to provide access to the project sife firorn Highway 66. Tlie zoidth of ronrl is the mini�nit�rt euidth r�ecessary ta suppm•t truck nn�l ve�cicie trnffic plr+ime�l for the facilit�j zuith rniuinu�l road slaoidders. T?te lettgfli of the rond zor�s nlso rninirnized nnd sited to avoid higher qi�r�lihj zveflnuds to the zuest anrl uot locnte�l ftrrtLer enst siuce the zveflnnd erossed eltei�rls to flie er�st beyottrl tYie site fncilihj bounclrrries. Tke zonter line euas sited unmedint�ly riorth of 100 Line Ronrl to pr�rallel existing trnnspm�tation corridors r�nd onl� iuipaet prea�io�trsly rlisturberl wetlar��ds. A higher rlensity of zueflnnds esists irnrnedir�tely soufli of 100 Liiie Rond tl�nt zoere nvoi�led b� sitilig the zvr�ter lirae iw�fh of 100 Liiae Ror�d. o Please include field observations that support the conclusions made on functions and values assessed at the impact site Wetland Iinpacts Assessinent. The 0.048 acre of wetland W1 that wlll be impacted is classified as a slope (HGM), PEM (Cowardin) wetland dominated by cattails (Typha IaHfolia) located within the banks of an ephemeral agriculhu•al ditch. Ftmctional ath�ibutes of the areas where wetland W1wi11 be permanently impactecl include moderate capacity as habitat for local and migrating songUirds and water Uirds, nuri•ient and sediment retention, and water storage and delay bnserl on obse�z�r�tions during field visifs of existing giround distitrbmue resalting frrorn r+gric�dture prnetices, uiodet�ate plmit diae�rsit�j artrt rlea,isi{�j, eaidetice of pe�•iodic clredgirig m� mnitttertnnce,lieavily grnzerl vegetntioli, niodernte presence of sottgbir•d diversit�j, rto obseivntions of7oater �irrls, close .: . . �. �lfi � i . . . . prosinrit�j to Higlteoay 66, r�nd lii�ear�, IQZU grndieut, chnriiiel shaperi zuetlnlid rrwrpliology aild a low capacity for thermoregulation, fish, amphibian, reptile and 'ulvertebrate habitat support and characteristic vegetation bnsed otc existi�tg vegetr�fioti obseaved dt+ratg field visits, Inck of liydr•ology, nn�l rio obsen�ntions of evi�lersce tliat fislt, mripliibinns, reytiles or inverteln�ntes inknbit tlus povtiQri of flie zuetlnnd. Following consh�uction, functional ath�iUutes of wetland W1will include a low capacity as habitat for local and inigraHng songbirds and water birds, nuh�ient and sediment retention, water storage, thermoregulation, fish, amphibian, reptile and invertebrate habitat support, and chaz�acteristic vegetation. o Please include a plan view with the location of cross sections See updated figure 6 and 7. • Please include cross sections that have existing and proposed elevations for that particular crossing. See updated figure 6 and 7. Bethany Harrington Resource Coordinator Department of State Lands 1645 NE Forbes Road, Ste 112 Bend, OR 97701 541-388-6345 � � �A� 3 �. 2(i!1 Wetland Impacts Assessinent. The 0.048 acre of wetland W1 that will be impacted is classified as a slope (HGM), PEM (Coward'u1) wetlazld dominated Uy cattails (Typha latifolia) located withul the banks of an ephemeral agricultural ditch on private land. FuncHonal attributes of the areas where wetland W1wi11 Ue permanently impacted include a moderate capacity as haUitat for local and inigrating songbirds, nuh�ient and sediment stabilization, and water storage and delay. HaUitat for local and migratulg songUird ath�iUutes are Uased on obseivations of cattail vegetaHon which can proved adequate habitat for several species of songUird. Direct observations of moderate songUird and inigratoiy bird diversity in the vicutity of the site suggest songbirds may utilize habitat at the site. No oUseivations of water Uirds or standing water ut the wetland suggest fllat little or no waterUird habitat is present at the site. The close proximity to Highway 66 and associated vehicle h�affic could deter some songUirds fi•om usutg the site as habitat. Nuhient removal, sediment stabilization, and water storage and delay attr�ibutes are based on oUservations duru�g field visits of agriculhtre practices and possiUility that fertilizer use on surrounding pastureland could enter the wetland. The heavily vegetated, linear, low gradient, chaiutel shaped morphology could delay and store water during heavy precipitation events. Functional ath�iUutes of the areas where wetland W1wi11 be permanently impacted 'ulchtde a low capacity for thermoregulation, water birds, amphibian, reptile and 'uivertebrate haUitat support, recreaHon and educaHon, and characteristic vegetaHon. ThermoregulaHon capacity is low since the area is heavily grazed, not inundated, and no ri•ee or shruU species are present at the site to provide thermoregulation. Amphibian, turtle, and inverteUrate capacity is low based on lack of water and hydrology at HZe site even during typical rain events. No observations of evidence fllat amphibians, turtles, or inverteUrates ulhabit or have inhaUitated this portion of the wetland also suggest low quality haUitat. There is no capacity for fish on site since the site lacks water necessaiy for fish haUitat. Following consh�ucHon activities, fiulctions and values reasonably expected to be adversely impacted Uy the piroposed project include haUitat for local and migrating songbirds, waterbirds, nufi•ient and sediment staUilization, water storage, therinoregulation, fish, amphiUian, reprile and 'uivertebrate habitat support, and characteristic vegetation. VegetaHon will be removed and replaced by impermeable surface and increased vehicle h•affic and will thereUy elimutate opportuiuries for vegetaHon diversity, nuh•ient stabilizaHon, water storage, and thermoregulation. Songbird and waterbird habitat, amphibian, hu�tle, and 'utvertebrate habitat will also be impacted as these species prefer vegetated haUitats and iniiumal humut presence. The taUle below summarizes existulg functional capacities for the site. Functional Assessment PUNCTION Water Storage & Delay Removal � nary for Wetland W1. FUNCTIONAL LEVEL Moderate Moderate COMMENTS No inundaHon present within the site. Site has ntoderate capacity to hold or slow water on site from both overland flow. • Site provides moderate water storage and 4 � F•• ���� e Evidence of soil mixing or compacNon within the wetland from previous agriculhiral acHviHes. • Lo�v clay content soils reduces capacity to � absorb phosphorous. • VegetaHon density on site increases water qualit�� funcHon of. the rveHand because of increased seasonal uptake and processing of nuh'ients and toxicants Uy plants and microbes, . filh'aHons and deposition of incoming sus ended sediments, a shelterin frmn cvind. Nih�ogen Removal Moderate • No areas of permanent iruuidation present � witttin the site. • Wetland surrounded U}' pash�reland � . Minimal �voody debris on site. Wood}� debris and its associated zlgae and microUes retain nih'o en. TherntoregttlaHon LoW • No h'ee or slu�ub canopy on site. � Primaiy Prodttction Low • No suUmersed vegetation; no open �vater. • Site is surrounded Uy pastureland e Primazy producHon is greater where open water and ve etaHon is s afiall � inters ersed. Resident Fish HaUitat Function Not Evahtated • No pools or ponded cvater found at site. Sttpport • Minimal rvaod}' �eUris and surrounding area is astureland land. Anedromous Fish HaUitat Function Not Evaluated • No pools found at site. Sttpport • No �vood}� �lebris and surrow�ding area is crop land. • No doctunentlHon of anadromous fish ut wetland. InverteUrate HaUitat Low • PotenHal seasonal inundation on site. NiunUer Sttpport of inverteUrate taxa is generall}� g�'eater in sites with more seasonally persistent water levels. • No pools of water uid locv Co�vardin classes at site. • Permanent open connection �vith more extensive wetlend. Amphibian & Turtle Low • Miniuial seasonal irutnd�Hon at site. Support • No amount of deadwood • Extent of nahiral vegelation cover t}�pes in areas surroundin site is minimal. Breed'utg WaterUird Low • No hees or snags on site. Support • Site coiuiected to extensive �veHand. • No ermuient oolsonsite. Winterittg & Migratory Low •. No vernal pools, scrapes, or mudflats. WaterUird Sttpport • Minimal areas of seasonal intmdation • htters ersion of unve etated o en cvater is lo�v. SongUird HaUitat Support Moderate e Site enHrely vegetated. • No vegetative layers e There are no woody plant species on site. e Mahire trees found rvithin 1 mile of site. Support of Characteristic Low o Site entirely vegetated. Vegetation • Number and inte�spersion of vegelations forms is lo�v. e Aro narive �vood � s ecies on site. RecreaHon and Education Low e Moderate songbird haUitat and high seasonal migratoiy bird presence o Site provides no opportuniHes for fishing or UoaHng e Low plant and wildlife species diversity surrounded U a ricultural seltin � r N:�SE - L3�Pti��% � �„� � .._�..,. m .« Supplement to Joint Permit Application Attaclunent A to this Supplement contains figures. Attachment B contains a list of landowners within the Facility site Uotmdary and a list of landowners within 250 feet of H1e Facility site boundary. Attachment C contains printed address labels for landowners within 250 feet of the Facility site Uoundary. Attachment D contains the IncumUency Certificate. TaUle 1 summaz•izes anticipated temporary and permanent impacts to potential wetlands and waters of the U.S. and State of Oregon from the proposed Klan�ath Falls Bioenergy Facility. v c m �i � m � O N N N � � G N N � C m N .� N � LL N LL Q .V.. � L IL N� � O � � Y � C� � G � d O � T � j�. 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W 00 J J J � } � oao Z O Z Q U Q z W z m ¢ � ¢ F- J z J d' J � � O � U J J N r � � -� 0 p� K U � Q Q.' � � � > m Q m U O w� O� � Q � � Q m O � w � w ~ N � F W Z Z � U W Z� O -� 2 S K� m J O U Q Q Q� w U(nQ.U2UY � F z w W J J } � J w W W � U � >- J Q Qa� ° °' a � � w = w O Y O Q � x 0 00 N N N �� m ¢' a ATTACHMENT D ' ' • 1' . • .._ _... _..._ ... ....... .... _... .... ; ..... ...:-.. ...:.._.. ,.. _.. �� . . ... . .. . _ . .. ,.. . .. .; _ . . ... ... . .. .. ' WCUMBENG`�"GERTIFfGAT� FOR COI�RpF�ATIONS AND'PARTNERSHIRS KlaCpa(h �alls Bioenergy;L1.0 s,+(busmess entity name as recorded witfi #he 5e�retarY of State; Oregonj I; :lohn }2ivers , da IieY4by cerlify lliat; 1, I,am the duly elected antl acting Bioinass power plant Praject Manager ' (posjtionj of Klamath FaIIS Bioenergy LLC_ ^� c+ 8 2. I cerlffy that I h'ayi for a permit ta cor �ignaiure on the � permif conditions, the permit. submit,'on behalf of wifhin wafers Of the 1Nitness, my s)gnatura and the s�al of the Company this $ day ofApril, 2011. ��� �/ t—''i%//�L��-`-----~'r` �a1ure " Namei John R�vers . Titie; Biomass power piant Project Manager Gompany Seal � , AF�R 1 1 2E�}j � €�s�-e�n�� e e a � d i ATTACHMENT F Address Labels for Landowners within 250 feet of the Facilitv Site Bounda JWTR LLC ATTN: ANN DAMRILL 6400 HWY 66 KLAMATH FALLS,OR 97601 COLLINS TIMBER COMPANY LLC 6410 HWY 66 KLAMATH FALLS,OR 97601 HOLLIDAY RICE PROPERTIES & COLLINS TIMBER COMPANY COLLINS TIMBER CO. LLC LLC 6410 HWY 66 PO BOX 1340 KLAMATH FALLS,OR 97601 LAKEVIEW,OR 97630 PAHL CHRISTOPHER L 8221 HWY 66 KLAMATH FALLS,OR 97601 CARPENTER EFFIE C 8187 HWY 66 KLAMATH FALLS,OR 97601 CRABTREE BOBBY L 8137 HWY 66 KLAMATH FALLS,OR 97601 GIFFORD JAMES LEE 8045 HWY 66 KLAMATH FALLS,OR 97601 BARRETT JOYCE L 8003 HWY 66 KLAMATH FALLS,OR 97601 KELLISON LOU A & AUDREY 8123 HWY 66 KLAMATH FALLS,OR 97601 KEEFER PAMELA Y PO BOX 551 KLAMATH FALLS,OR 97601 i JWTR LLC ATTN: ANN DAMRILL 6400 HWY 66 KLAMATH FALLS,OR 97601 SCHULTZ JACK M & JILLZ 8247 HWY 66 KLAMATH FALLS,OR 97601 HASKINS GARY W 8165 HWY 66 KLAMATH FALLS,OR 97601 FLETCHER CECIL F TRUSTEE & FLETCHER CECIL F TRUST 12851 MARTHA ANN ROSSMOOR,CA 90720 FOUCH PAUL L& MILLICENT M 8017 HWY 66 KLAMATH FALLS,OR 97601